Chapter 80 - Talks with Ivy!

"Did that guy just beat Poison Ivy?" A confused yet amazed fat guy in the stand asked his friends while pinching his arm, trying to wake himself up from a dream.

"No... No, that really happened. That guy actually managed to beat the undefeated Ivy!" His friend reassured his friend.

"Ah my bet, what the hell!!!" A bald man behind the two speaking cried out after realising his misfortune.

"I've lost so much money ahhhhhhhhh!"

"That's me out of money, How am I going to pay my rent on my equipment now?"

Shouts of disbelief and pain echoed out through the arena. This was one of the biggest upsets to happen in a while. With the odds heavily favouring Ivy to win, when he lost the arena made a killing.