Chapter 90 - Talks With Evelyn! [2]

Alex seemed to be very conflicted, he didn't know if this change would be good or bad. If it turned out to be bad in the end, it could lead to a truckload of trouble and if Alex didn't have the strength to handle such a change, who knows what would happen.

'It seems I have been way too naive, all this time I've been a walking time bomb, ready to explode at any moment and here I am, enjoying my day to day life with ease of mind.'

Steeling his resolve to grow stronger than he did in his past life, Alex's eyes flashed with immense determination.

'I have to get stronger... No, in fact... I have to become the strongest!'

Evelyn was slightly confused by Alex's silence, wasn't this a good thing? Or was he perhaps upset because I called him weak?

"Mr Zero, don't worry, although you are weak, with this ability you can grow strong just like myself. If you learn to use it probably and visit some special places..." It was uncertain whether or not Evelyn was bragging again or not.