Lucifer Large

Clary's eyes fixed on the derring-do personality, frightened down to the soles of her bones. At just a glance at these two, people know her as a replica of him except for her green eyes. She felt like her future flashed before her eyes in crystal clear form, seeing her father here.

Eugene Ainford.

Tall, handsome, and foxy, even at this age, he maintained an athletic vigour. His versatile navy blue suit resembled a weapon, making him more distinguished. Giving Clary a look of 'Get ready for the punishment,' he strolled inside. He sat beside his elder twin brother Warren Ainford.

Eugene, the famed scientist of the modern age, and Warren, the most influential business hunk of the modern world. Together, they founded WEAH, the largest chemical producer company in the world. If Warren is an authoritative definition, Eugene is the leading light.

''I haven't written a script for these two old dudes. How did they appear on the scene suddenly?'' Clary muttered in a low voice, but that didnot escape from the brother's ears.

The brothers snapped at Clary, giving her an accusive look. Clary sheepishly smiled before motioning them to look at her Principal and take care of him. If not for the sudden shock her dad and uncle gave her, Clary would have danced in the air because she could practically see bald baby sweating buckets.

On the other hand, the Principal cleared his throat, bringing the brother's attention to him.

''Eugene, Clary's father." Eugene introduced, sizing the Principal. He looked more like a pinto bean in front of a large cucumber. This is his second visit to the University, but his first time seeing this small-sized carrot. He didnot get the time to meet him on Clary's first day in the college. Sure, his daughter talks about her Principal every day, of course, in a weird way, but the reality crumpled his expectations.

Sitting in a high-levelled chair, the Principal craned his neck to level his eyes with the twin brothers. He had heard a lot about these two tyrannical brothers. Compared to the media, these two look intimidating in person. Sensing that they were expecting him to start the conversation, the Principal cleared his throat to introduce himself when....

''Lucifer Large.'' Warren completed for him, peering at the nameplate opposite him. Immediately, he sized the Principal. There is nothing large in his body, though, he thought. " have got a perfect surname, Mr Large." He knows him as Bald baby, which Clary calls him.

''Mr. Ainford,'' Lucifer shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He didnot like how the two brothers inspected him head to toe like he was a rare candy from an expensive store. ''Lucifer. Lucifer Large.'' He proudly introduced himself. ''Please address with my surname. I prefer that way.''

Clary purred. She can't blame her Principal. Somehow he has to find a way to give pride to his little mushroom.

''Well...I expected you to be...'' Eugene paused his thoughts, remembering his daughter was standing right beside him. He doesn't want to corrupt her innocent mind. ''Anyway, may I know the reason you called me here?''

''To talk about your daughter. I suppose she has informed you about her one-month suspension?'' Lucifer said.

''Well..'' Eugene turned to his daughter, who was looking at him innocently. Never had he seen his daughter so quiet. ''Did you inform me? I don't remember.''

Clary ducked her head without replying. Did he come here to mock me? She is still wondering which wafer spilt the beans about her suspension. Her granny pie? No way. Uncle Ross? He is too sweet. Her grandfather? There is a possibility.

''Don't give her a hard time,'' Warren whispered to his brother. "She is already nervous."

''I am just trying to scare that brat for keeping a secret from me,'' Eugene muttered. She might have managed her grandmother, grandfather, brother, the chauffeur, anyone for that matter, but nothing about his daughter will escape from his eyes or ears.

Meanwhile, the Principal's eyes moved from Eugene to Warren's mouth back and forth, trying to understand the muted conversation but miserably failed.

"I suppose my daughter told,'' Eugene said, leaning back on the chair. The chair feels so comfortable for his liking. He decided to ask this mushroom about the brand name later. Eugene composed himself, bringing his thoughts to the topic. ''But I am a man who never limits myself to just one point of view. Let's hear it from your mouth. What did she do?''

''What did she do, you ask?'' Stroking his shiny scalp, Lucifer jumped into the action like he had been waiting for this chance for eternity. ''This brat..'' Lucifer paused, his words choked back into his throat when the brothers lifted their right hand casually but somehow it hinted at him differently, like they want to hit on his face. Lucifer swallowed his saliva, going icy with panic.

Clearing his throat for another time, he correctly addressed. "Your daughter is a hooligan of this University. She doesn't follow the college rules, and students take her as an inspiration. During her first Chemistry lab, can you believe what she did? She released the laughing gas on me.'' Lucifer still remembered the day crisp and clear. The chemistry lab assistant complained that the first-year batch was giving him a hard time in the lab. So, he went for the rounds during lab hours, and the moment he stepped inside the lab, a girl suddenly appeared and burst a balloon upon his face. The next thing he knew, moments later, he was reprimanding the students, yet laughing for no reason despite the surging anger boiling inside the pit of his stomach.

He learned that the girl's name was Clary Ainford, the daughter of a famous personality. He also learned that she was the one giving a hard time to the professors. Lucifer wanted to suspend Clary, but hell would break loose if he did it for a brilliant student like her. Since it was her first time, he gave her a warning and the imposition to write 'I apologize, principal sir' for thousand times. When she came to the office to submit the imposition, on every page he flipped, he noticed a different handwriting.