Dead bodies under the leaves

Adding the forest picture here.

Mac's heart pounded in his chest, scanning the dark surroundings, unsure of what he had just witnessed. Were his eyes playing tricks on him, or was there really something he saw? The image of those glowing yellow orbs staring back at him, accompanied by a low, guttural growl, was still evident in his memory. The rustling of leaves and twigs crackling underfoot only added to the ominous silence. He broke into a cold sweat.

"W..hat is it, Mac?" Joy's heart raced as she followed her boyfriend's intense gaze.

"There is something here, Joy...we need to return back to our friends.." He whispered, his voice barely audible above the rustling leaves and ominous creaking of branches.

"O..kay.." Joy replied in a trembling voice. "I will call Travis or Tira and find out where they are."