Hiring An Additional Maid

Zhao Ling didn't know what medicine Meng Yuan left for her that day. After Zhao Ling took the medicine, she felt that her body was recovering quickly. A few days later, she was already walking as usual.

Today's Jiang Mansion, compared with Cui's meanness and Zhao Ruo's pampering, the magnanimous and reasonable Zhao Ling had more status among the servants.

Lu Zhu's injury was not light. Although she was able to recover back her good health, Zhao Ling couldn't bear to watch her work too hard. Mother Xu had been taking care of her and Lu Zhu in the past few days. The two were also haggard. Zhao Ling thought about finding another maid to serve, which could also relieve the pressure on the two of them.

It's just that this maid, Zhao Ling didn't want to look for her in the Jiang's mansion. She didn't have deep roots in the Jiang Mansion, and the servants in the mansion were basically Cui's people. So she asked Madame Zhao for advice on this matter.

Madame Zhao also knew that she had been condemned a few days ago. Although she was reluctant to give up, she was helpless due to the rules of the house, but she sent Mother Ning to visit a few times and delivered some medicine for injuries. Now that Zhao Ling made such a request, she felt reasonable, and immediately asked Mother Ning to find the most famous toothwoman in Wuzhen.

A few days later, the toothwoman brought a few girls who looked smart. Zhao Ling glanced at the little girls who stood neatly on the opposite side, each of them lowered their heads in a singular manner.

Those who follow her had to have a degree of courage, though not too courageous. Zhao Ling thought about this, and saw one of them who was wearing coarse clothes and a slightly petite figure. Unlike the others, although she lowered her head, she raised her eyes from time to time to look at the way Zhao Ling tried to express herself, but always standing quietly. Not squeezing, just like a proud daisy.

Knowing how to remain calm and calm in the presence of opponents, she must have a bit of courage. She pointed to the place where the girl was standing, and said to the toothwoman. "Just her."

The toothwoman looked in the direction of Zhao Ling's hand, and was startled, slightly hesitant. "Miss, this girl... she... can't speak. Would you like to think about it again?"

She was a dumb girl? Zhao Ling was not expecting this, but she didn't care too much. The people around her didn't need to be savvy, they just needed to do their duties, and it didn't make any difference whether she could speak or not.

Zhao Ling insisted on her own opinion, and the toothwoman was happy to make it. Originally, she was worried that no one would want this mute girl, so she had spent much of her thoughts. Now that she was actually spotted by the eldest lady of the National Palace, she was naturally overjoyed and left happily with the money.

The other girls who weren't selected all looked at the girl in Tsing Yi with envy and hatred, or left with regret or resentment.

But on the contrary, the girl in Tsing Yi looked calm and didn't see too many surprises. Zhao Ling looked at her and felt that this girl was pretty good.

The girl in Tsing Yi turned to face Zhao Ling and wanted to kneel on the ground, but she was stopped by Zhao Ling. She had never been used to the habit of kneeling at every turn in this era. Seeing her being held up, she looked at the eldest lady, puzzled.

Zhao Ling gazed at her with a smile. "It doesn't have to be like this with me in the future. By the way, do you have a name?"

Tsing Yi girl nodded in reply.

Zhao Ling asked again. "Can you read?"

Seeing her nodding again, Zhao Ling asked Lu Zhu to take out her pen and ink. The girl in Tsing Yi took the pen and slowly wrote the three words "Zhao Luo" on the paper.

Zhao Ling smiled faintly and said. "It's also a good name. But since you have followed me, you need to change one." She thought a little, "You will be called Qingluo from now on, how about?"

Zhao Ling wrote the word "Qingluo" on the paper, in small letters with hairpins, and the fonts are elegant and beautiful. When Zhao Luo saw it, her face finally showed a slight joy, and she respectfully saluted Zhao Ling.

The owner gave a name to show that she had been recognized and accepted. From then on, there was no Zhao Luo in the world, only Qingluo.

The addition of Qingluo made Luzhu and Mother Xu's job a lot easier. Although she couldn't speak, she was clever and clear, and could communicate with the others. Lu Zhu also gradually changed her previous hostile attitude, and treated her more peacefully.

Luzhu, the girl, was very resistant when she heard that Zhao Ling was going to find another girl. She always thought that the eldest did not want her anymore. She was sad for a long time, and Zhao Ling was really dumbfounded. It took her quite some time time to coax Lu Zhu.

As Zhao Ling and Lu Zhu recovered, the day of Zhao Ruo's marriage was fast approaching. On this day's blessing, the sky was high and clear. Cui took Zhao Ruo to the Xiangguo Temple in the western suburbs of the city to pray for blessings. She also insisted that Zhao Ling was also called, saying that the blessing was not only for Zhao Ruo. It was also for her, she hope her marriage would go smoothly and marry as smoothly as Zhao Ruo.

Seeing Cui's face with sincerity, Zhao Ling sneered secretly, wondering what the mother and daughter were doing. However, Zhao Ling didn't bother to pay any attention. It happened that she was getting bored in the yard these few days, and it didn't matter if she went to play. Not surprising. What surprised Zhao Ling was that it was Zhao Ruo who encountered the accident!

The accident happened on the way back from Xiangguo Temple. Zhao Ling and Qing Luo rode in the same carriage. Because Lu Zhu's body had not fully recovered, Zhao Ling refused her request to accompany her, and only brought Qingluo.

Zhao Ling had long heard of the bustling and prosperous Xiangguo Temple, and the incense was flourishing. It was indeed well-deserved when she saw it today. On the way back, she raised the curtain in the carriage, admiring the suburban scenery and the prosperity of Shengjing along the road, feeling like she was in a dream.

Suddenly, screams from the crowd came from outside. Zhao Ling saw that the carriage in front of the Cui family's mother and daughter ran wildly, knocking down many passers-by and stalls, and suddenly there were cries and chaos in the street.

Surprised! Zhao Ling hurriedly asked the groom to speed up to keep up. Although this street was not as prosperous as Jenji Avenue, there were still a lot of passers-by, so they had to find a way to stop the carriage.

But the horse seemed to go crazy suddenly. The horseman couldn't stop it. After a few twists, he threw the horseman off. The horse was still going crazy, and passers-by could only run around. The street was in a mess.

Zhao Ling couldn't think of a solution for a while. She wanted to throw oout the knife in her sleeve, hoping to hit the key part of the horse to stop it. But the horse was so dynamic, she couldn't guarantee that she would be able to stop it. If she missed her hand, it would only make the horse even more mad.

Just when she was indecisive, a figure flew over, jumped on the horse back, grabbed the rein, and suddenly stunned the horse's madness. Then he slashed the horse's head with a palm. With this blow, its body gradually softened, and it finally lay down on the ground. As soon as the horse fell to the ground, the carriage behind also tilted down.

Zhao Ling ran forward quickly, and at a glance recognized that the man in uniform was Fengze. It was just that today he was wearing Jin Wuwei's black gold-embellished official uniform, and his whole person looked more imposing and majestic, and he seems to be on duty.

Fengze also saw Zhao Ling, and his eyes were obviously uncontrollable with joy. He didn't even bother to check whether the people in the car were well, and stepped forward to greet Zhao Ling, "Ling, how are you?"  

"Fengze, long time no see." Zhao Ling also nodded at him. Fengze didn't know that Mo Xin was Zhao Ling, so it was indeed a long time ago that she met Fengze as Zhao Ling.

However, the current situation was obviously not suitable for retelling the past. After Zhao Ling greeted Fengze, she quickly walked to the side of the inclined carriage and raised the curtain.

Inside the carriage, Cui was holding Zhao Ruo, who was covered in blood and was in comatose, shaking all over, panicking and not knowing what to do.