Why Are You Here, Meng Yuan? [II]

Was this guy addicted to breaking into her house? After that, he would follow up a very familiar route to her own room.

Meng Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly, his tone was neither cold nor warm, "This king is here to see if you have learned to be smart these days, but I have to say, the nursing arrangement in government officials' homes, is a little bit ineffective."

In addition to a glance at him, Zhao Ling was speechless. This guy would be the death of her.

Seeing him picking up a cup of tea on the table, and was raising it to his mouth to drink, she quickly stopped him. "Hey, that's my teacup."

However, Meng Yuan turned a deaf ear to her words, took a sip with grace, glanced sideways at her, and said, "This king is thirsty."

The tone was obvious. Meng Yuan had been here for a long time, and she didn't have a cup of tea to entertain him, so he could only drink hers when he became thirsty.

Seeing that this guy was holding her cup of tea as if he didn't mind at all, and drinking happily, Zhao Ling had no choice but to get up and make a new cup of hot tea for herself.

At the same time, he changed a cup for Meng Yuan. That was her personal teacup and she was not used to sharing a teacup with others.

Seeing this, Meng Yuan's eyes darkened in thoughts. He sighed and shrugged before picking up a piece of paper she had just written on. When he saw the words "Wuji Religion" on it, his face became horrified.

"How do you know Wuji Religion?" He asked from the back of Zhao Ling who was pouring tea.

Surprised, Zhao Ling turned around, then saw the note in his hand. Oh, this was what she wrote just now when she was thinking about the clues of the case. Seeing Meng Yuan's dignified and serious face, she realized he must also know about Wuji teaching.

Zhao Ling coldly snorted. "Why does Meng Yuan knowingly ask me that? Don't you know the best thing about me? After so many days of monitoring, did you find an excuse to divorce me?"

Knowing that she was accused and beaten with a stick at the Zhao Juang's Mansion, he delivered medicine late at night. Knowing that she was disguised as a man and Mo Xin, he came forward to relieve the siege. Knowing that she was framed by Cui's mother and daughter's design, he secretly changed horses.

Even the incident of Zhao Ruo's secret of miscarriage might have been caused by this guy deliberately. It was revealed to the Royal Palace intentionally, otherwise the Cui family had done such a good job of secrecy, and the Royal Palace would not have received the news so soon.

But if he was to divorce, why did he need to help her repeatedly? Zhao Ling couldn't figure this out.

"Divorce? Why do you think this king wants to divorce you?" Meng Yuan asked incomprehensibly.

Zhao Ling looked at his undamaged legs, and said with a faint expression: "The King Xuan doesn't seem to be as bad as the rumors. If this is the case, how can I be worthy of you?"

Meng Yuan had already seen her face when she delivered the medicine last time, so she didn't hide it this time. At this moment, she was not wearing a veil, facing him calmly, her face with delicate features, a scar on the bottom left was looming under the oil lamp.

Hearing this, Meng Yuan's face sank, as if a little angry. Seeing the scar on her face, she showed a little bit of pity and tenderness.

"Perhaps, this king is not good enough for you, Ling'er!" There was a complicated look on his always cold face.

Zhao Ling was in a daze. What did he call her just now? Ling'er? When did their relationship become so close? Here, apart from the elders, only Xie Mingyu called her Ling'er, but Xie Mingyu was a cousin, so he was an exception. But for this guy to call her that, it was way out of line.

Meng Yuan was also a little surprised. It seemed natural that the name "Ling'er" was called out like this, and it felt good to call it this way.

For Meng Yuan's sudden change of style, Zhao Ling suddenly felt that it was a little unacceptable. She coughed lightly and said with a serious face. "The night is late, shouldn't King Xuan be going back now? If someone finds out, it will damage King Xuan's reputation."

No matter how strict the guards were at the National Government Mansion, there were usually nursing homes patrols, and it was difficult to guarantee that they would not be discovered. In this way, wouldn't it fail his plan to divorce after delaying the wedding?

"This king never cares about fame." Meng Yuan snorted, and then said tentatively. "Listening to the meaning of Ling'er's words, isn't she blaming this king for postponing our wedding?"

Zhao Ling couldn't help being dumbfounded when she heard this. Which ear of your ears tells you that I am blaming you for postponing the wedding? King Xuan, are you ill! Besides, you didn't care about your reputation, but I care about my reputation!

Facing such a self-righteous person, Zhao Ling decided to deal with it coldly. She ignored him and continued to read her book with her head down.

"It seems that Ling'er is really blaming this king." Meng Yuan didn't know much about what was going on in Zhao Ling's mind, so he made this conclusion, and then continued. "If this is the case, how can this king live up to the beauty? It's an auspicious day, why don't we set our wedding date on that day?"

Was this guy here to make some sort of scene? Zhao Ling was almost angrily smiled by him. Shouldn't King Xuan be arrogant, and treat women stubbornly, but now he looked like a little rascal.

Then, she said angrily. "I'm sorry, no matter how lucky the day is, on the third day of the next month, this girl won't be around. Also, how can marriage be a trifling matter? It's better to think twice about it."

Meng Yuan suddenly realized with an expressive exaggeration. "Yes, why did this king forget that the third day of the next month is the birthday of Ling'er's grandfather, old man Zhao."

Zhao Ling spurned around in surprise. Wang Xuan acting skills were just too exaggerated. She nodded and said. "That's right, so I will leave for Suzhou tomorrow." Then she thought in her mind *During this period, stop breaking into this girl's room, because no one will be there to make tea for you.*

Meng Yuan took his tea bowl in a leisurely manner, took a sip of tea in an elegant posture, and calmly said: "Mr. Misty's 80th birthday, how can the king be absent as Ling'er's fiance? So, this king has decided to go to Suzhou with Ling'er."