Blood Poisoning

Counting the days, this was the twelfth day that Zhao Ling had stayed in the Hundred Herbs Hall. These days, in addition to cooperating with old man Duan to heal the scars on her face, she also followed him to sprinkle water and weeds in the medicine field, and by the way, she also got to know a lot of medicinal herbs.

Her memory and understanding were super strong, since she had a medical foundation. Even old man Duan was full of praise for her talent in medicine. If it wasn't for the hostage situation, her being captured by Yin Zhan, he would have thought of taking her as his apprentice.

"Oh, what a pity." Duan old man looked at the figure of Zhao Ling sprinkling water in the medicine field, and shook his head.

Of course, for Old Man Duan, it was even more unfortunate that the half-month period was approaching, and his good fortune was about to come to an end.

Cooking was a hobby for Zhao Ling. Aside from regular work, researching food was her favorite thing to do. And she also enjoyed the process of turning all kinds of ingredients into gourmet food with her hands. For the production of each dish, she treated it with the focus and devotion, just like dissecting a corpse.

These days, Zhao Ling had prepared a lot of delicious food for Old Man Duan. She even built a kitchen in Baitang and cooked all kinds of food for him every day. Honey grilled chicken, boiled fish fillet, sweet and sour pork ribs, tea fragrant duck, hibiscus shrimp... some of which he had never seen or heard of.

No, no, I'm drooling! He quickly wiped the corner of his mouth, sighed, and went into the back room to drink.

Zhao Ling finished pouring water on the medicine field, and seeing that it was still early, she walked leisurely to a dense forest on the hill behind the Baitang.

This was where she and Yan Mo made an appointment to exchange news. Yan Mo's work was still relatively reliable. For more than ten days, they have not lost contact with each other.

After entering the forest, she went straight to the eleventh tree on the left, dug out a piece of bark on the trunk, and there was a note inside. She unfolded it and saw a few words on the note. "The prince is coming soon, please rest assured, the princess."

Zhao Ling smiled slightly and put the note into her sleeve. Thinking that Meng Yuan had been caring about her all the time, she felt a touch of warmth in her heart.

Just as she was about to turn around and return, suddenly a mass of white objects flew towards her like an arrow. Zhao Ling was startled, and instinctively raised her hand to block. In a blink of an eye, a tingling pain came from her arm, as if it had been cut by something sharp.

She took a closer look, and it turned out to be a little fox with a snow-white body. The little fox threw itself into Zhao Ling's arms and looked back from time to time. A pair of big watery eyes showed a blue luster, full of terror, looking at Zhao Ling as if asking for help.

"What's the matter, little thing, is something chasing you?" Zhao Ling patted its head and looked at the direction where the fox came from..

Seeing what was chasing the fox, Zhao Ling was also taken aback. This was not good.

Slowly swimming in front of where she was standing was a huge piebald python! The body of this python had the thickness of a bowl and a length of nearly ten meters. It opened its mouth to spit letters and sizzled. Two dark eyes were shining, and it was staring at the little fox in Zhao Ling's arms.

The birds on the tree were startled and flew away with a chirp. Suddenly, there was silence all around, except for the hissing sound of the python "Tsks tks" spitting out letters, and the air became extremely heavy.

Zhao Ling was engrossed in confronting the python, and he was quickly thinking about how to get out.

With such a huge disparity in power, if she wanted to win, she must take advantage of the situation and hit it with a single blow.

Zhao Ling made a decision. She turned around immediately, and ran back quickly, listening to the sound of the python sliding on the ground getting closer and closer. Her figure suddenly flashed to the side, grabbed a big tree and climbed up.

Fortunately, her ability to climb trees was not bad. When she climbed to a certain height, she looked down and saw that the python was under the tree, a wicked light in its eyes.

Realizing that the python was about to start climbing the tree, Zhao Ling let out a soft breath and adjusted herself. She held the scalpel that she carried with her tightly, looked at the direction of the snake, and jumped down. She fell just below the snake's head, the knife in her hand plunged into the snake's head, seven inches deep.

"Pfft", the snake blood spurted out, splashing Zhao Ling all over. The python was in pain, raised its head and growled deeply. It swung its thick tail violently, intending to throw Zhao Ling off.

Knowing that it would be a certain death if she fell off the snake, Zhao Ling firmly grasped the dagger that had pierced the snake's head, and firmly clung to the swaying body of the snake, preventing herself from falling off.

"Stop!" A loud shout suddenly echoed in the air.

Wuhen appeared with a large sword in his hand. Ordered by the leader, he was about to go to the Hundred Herbs Hall to check on Zhao Ling's current situation, when he saw this scene unexpectedly. He was so frightened that he quickly used his sword to stop what appeared to be a bloody fight.

"You actually hurt the snake in my teaching!" Wuhen was shocked, but also deeply surprised. Unexpectedly, this seemingly gentle and weak Princess Xuan has such ability.

Zhao Ling pulled out the dagger and jumped down from atop the snake. The spirit snake groaned in pain, its dark and shining eyes stared at Zhao Ling, but it lay on the ground limply, unable to fight back.

Zhao Ling wiped the blood splattered on her face, put away the scalpel, and looked calm. "What about the snake, it came to attack me first, should I sit still?"

Wuhen stepped forward to check the snake's injuries. He called two disciples, and then gave Zhao Ling a deep look. The injury was very serious, and he reminded himself that he could not call the shots, but for now, the snake needed urgent treatment. "You two, take the snake to Hall Master Duan for treatment."

The spirit snake was injured, and the leader didn't know how to get angry. At this moment, he couldn't help sweating for this Princess Xuan. "Please, Princess Xuan, come with me to see the leader."

Inside the Promise Hall.

Yin Zhan was dressed in a red garment, leaning lazily in the upper seat. His phoenix eyes half-squinted, looking at Zhao Ling, who was standing calmly under His Highness' gaze. a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. This woman really had some ability, but I underestimate her.

As soon as he took a step, he was already in front of Zhao Ling in a blink of an eye. He aised her chin, his sinister phoenix eyes swayed, and his slender fingers slowly stroked Zhao Ling's left face, which was as smooth as silk.

"Well, you can finally see people now. It seems that old man Duan is good at medicine, and he has gotten better in just a few days."

For some unknown reason, when Yin Zhan's fingers flicked, Zhao Ling suddenly felt a warm feeling in her heart, and then spread to his limbs, and her face also showed a bit of crimson.

What's happening to her? She was startled.

Yin Zhan naturally noticed Zhao Ling's strangeness. He was stunned for a moment, then noticed a few scratches on Zhao Ling's right arm, and suddenly laughed. "Hahaha, it's really easy to get you here. The snake really helped me a lot."

"What have you done to me?" Zhao Ling's tone turned stern.

"Why should I do anything to you? It was the little fox you rescued that hurt you. Now, the snake blood has infiltrated your body through the wound on your arm. Tsk tsk, bad thing for you, good thing for me." Yin Zhan opened her cuff and looked at the bloodstains on it, with a wicked look flashing in his eyes. "Spiritual snakes have grown up in Bichi since they were young, and have used Biluo flowers as their food for decades. Its blood is thousands of times stronger than fresh Biluo flowers."

"The snake blood is poisonous?" Zhao Ling frowned. This place was really not a good place. Not only people use poison, but even animals are poisonous.

"Fortunately, yes. I'm afraid even Old Man Duan can't detoxify you. Now, the only way to detoxify is..." Yin Zhan paused for a while, but his face was filled with inexplicable excitement. He approached Zhao Ling's ear, and a charming voice whispered, "..... male and female sex."

Seeing Zhao Ling's pale face, Yin Zhan laughed heartedly. Now, he was in a good mood.

He waved his wide robe sleeves, turned to his seat, and said as he walked, "Come here, throw her into the dungeon. When Meng Yuan arrives, let him watch a good show."