A Deadly Grudge

Inside the Promise Hall.

Yin Zhan leaned lazily on the seat and listened to the report of the battle situation of the Great Protector.

At the entrance of the Seven Halls, more than ten warships, and more than five thousand religious members, except the Baitang, all went out to meet the enemy.

However, the Xuanwang Mansion was not weak. A pioneering force of a hundred people had already made a great effort to recruit more fighters, not to mention the troops of Woyun Mountain Villa and General Wuwei, and the Suzhou Navy is a regular army. 

As the battle was going fiercely, they were suffering heavy losses. With the way things were going, it seemed that they could not resist for long.

"Master, let your subordinates escort you to leave first." Wuchen bowed his head and asked for instructions.