Locked Up [I]

Counting the time in the Wuji Sect dungeon, this was the second time Zhao Ling had entered holding cell since she came to this world.

Compared with the dungeon of the Promise Religion, the conditions in the palace were much better. Although the light was dim, it did not have the damp and cold feeling of a dungeon. A small independent room, isolated from the world. There was a stone bed in the room, which was fairly clean. There was actually a thin layer of quilt on the bed.

This Dasheng Dynasty was indeed rich and the people were strong, with abundant financial resources, and even the conditions of the prison cells were so good. Or was this cell also divided into ordinary and VIP, and Emperor Ming kindly allocated her a VIP prison?

After tossing for a night, Zhao Ling felt a little drowsy laying on the stone bed.