First Appearrance Of The Treasure Map

Seeing the disappearing back of Yun Yi, Zhao Ling sighed secretly. She certainly hoped that Yun Yi's trip to Sheijing this time could successfully prevent Ning Hua from entering the palace.

As soon as he entered the palace gate, it was as deep as the sea, with Ning Hua's simple and straightforward temperament of hatred and jealousy, it was simply not suitable for the intriguing life of the harem. What's more, Meng Tianjue was sinister, narrow-minded, and paranoid. He was really not a good match.

But... it was easier said than done.

"A-Yuan, do you think Yun Yi can stop Sister Hu from entering the palace?" Zhao Ling asked quietly.

Meng Yuan avoided answering, only took her into his arms, and said lightly, "Ning Hou is a loyal and honest man."