Zhao Ling, I Love Someone

"Thank you, Qinglan." Zhao Ling closed the box and thanked Ye Qinglan sincerely. With this fiery lotus, the cold poison in Meng Yuan's body can be completely eliminated, and he no longer has to endure the pain of the heart-piercing pain every night of the full moon.

"Ling, why are you being so polite, didn't you say we are friends?" Ye Qinglan said lightly.

Zhao Ling grabbed her hand, and the two smiled at each other. Yes, since we have already made up our minds, why do we need to say more.

Since that day in Fulong Mountain, she passed through the gate of time and space and learned that her original body in her previous life had been buried. At this time, when she saw Ye Qinglan, who had a similar appearance to her previous life, she felt that her relationship with her was a little closer. .

"Have you seen the dumplings when you came in just now?" Zhao Ling asked her with a smile.

Ye Qinglan nodded, "Well, he's very cute. Congratulations."