The King Of Dongyue

Since Princess Yongle invited her kindly, Zhao Ling didn't make any more excuses. Eating at the same table with someone you admire doesn't seem so unbearable.

After several people took their seats on the second floor, Princess Yongle introduced them to the identities of the other two women. The one who was dressed more ornately was her princess, Princess Changle. This time she came out purely for fun, begging her to come with her. And the girl who went downstairs to spread the word just now, named Xuan Yu, was a disciple of the Valley Master of Guishou Valley in Nanzhen.

Guichougu was famous for being good at using poison. Princess Yongle specially brought Xuan Yu with her this time. She must have learned the lesson of being poisoned by her brother last time on the mission to the Northwest.

"Pfft..." After listening to Princess Yongle's introduction, Baili Xiao couldn't help laughing, "This girl's name is so funny, she's actually called Xianyu?! Haha..."