Love Guru


The alarm clock sounded louder than usual. That is why Keiko got out from her deep and comforting slumber


Her eyes half opened, she managed to shut that noise off.



Even though she turned off the alarm clock, that irritating sound was still there. Now she got up and rubbed her eyes.

Her blurry vision became clearer as she looked for the source of that noise. She found out that there was a second alarm clock next to the previous one.

She proceeded to turn it off.

Again, Keiko rubbed her eyes and put her feet on the floor. She yawned quite loudly and decided to open the curtains. It was bright as the sun was high in the sky.

"Wait? High?"

Keiko had a bad feeling about this. She darted her look to the alarm clock and saw that it showed 10:00 a.m.

"I thought i had set it at 7:00 a.m!?!?"

She double-checked with her phone and her doubts were cleared instantly.


She hurriedly went to the washroom and did her morning routine such as brushing her teeth. When finished, she returned to her room and searched for the exact clothing that Yoichi recommended yesterday.

After doing so, she went to the bathroom and cleaned herself thoroughly. Although she was in a hurry, she could not afford to half-heartedly wash herself.

Keiko pondered the possibility of her stinking due to not bathing properly. All kinds of scenarios would play on Keiko's mind where Asahi would get uncomfortable.

So to avoid that, she already has some countermeasures against them.

The supposed time of the date was 11:00 a.m.

And when she was in front of the mirror, it was already 10:30 a.m. This will not do. Keiko decided that it was time to get some help.

At the top of her lung, she yelled for aid.


No response came from downstairs. She opened the door and yelled yet again for better audio.


"....What!?" Yoichi's voice echoed.

"Can you come and help me!!!"

"With what!?"

"Just come to my room!!! Quickly!!!"

Yoichi, who was washing the dishes, sighed exasperatingly.


He took off the gloves and proceeded to wash his hands. As he wiped it dry with a towel, his uncle chuckled at Yoichi.

"You are having it hard, Yoichi."

He sighed again and replied, "Oji-san, stop revelling in my sufferings."

"Okay okay. Take care of her."


His uncle went back to watching T.V whilst Yoichi walked upstairs to Keiko's room. The door was left opened and he was met with Keiko, sitting on a stool and frantically putting on make-up.

She did not even clean her messy room. Well, she did not have time to consider that in the first place.

She noticed him by the door and requested him.

"Ah, can you come and do my hair. Please?"

Her hair was not dry completely, probably because of being impatient and moving on to other stuff to care about.

Yoichi walked up behind her. He saw that she exactly wore what he advised yesterday.

At the moment, Keiko was taking care of her eyelashes. She saw that Yoichi was behind her and he just stared.

"What are you doing!? I don't have time!"

Yoichi lifted both his hands and slammed them both on her shoulders.


"Ack?!!? What was that for!?!?!"

"...Calm down, Keiko."

"How can I!? My date is scheduled at 11:00 a.m. I need to get there by then. I am losing time here. I set my alarm to 7:00 but it did not ring!"

"It did ring."


"You just did not wake up. You went to sleep very late, right?"


He was right on the money. She was too busy thinking about her date that sleeping was the last thing on her mind. That is why Keiko could not argue any further. She veered her head to Yoichi and asked.

"Why did you not wake me up then?"

"Why would I? You were sleeping so soundly. So I set the alarm clock to 10:00 a.m. I even added another one to guarantee that you would wake up."


Yoichi raised an eyebrow,

"Why? Well, not sleeping well enough before a date would be quite a disadvantage, wouldn't it? Besides, I did not want you to get sleeping bags under your eyes? That would be a catastrophe, don't you think?"

Yoichi smirked at her which made her feel so guilty about arguing against him for not waking her up early.

He knows how to handle situations like these so it is futile to talk about that matter again.


Yoichi encircled his arm around her neck gently and put his face next to hers. They both looked at the mirror as a way of looking into each other's eyes.

"Take it easy and slowly dress up elegantly."

"...But I will get late."

"Oh, you do not have to worry about that. Just casually walk to that place, don't be in such a hurry. When you see Asahi waiting for you, then run towards him and make him think that you missed the bus. Then cutely ask for forgiveness. Simple, right? He won't be mad since it is Asahi who we are talking about."

Keiko broke the line of sight with Yoichi's gaze in the mirror and slowly turned her head towards his.

"You are....devilishly cunning."

He grinned from ear to ear and giggled, "Hehehe...Thank you."

She pouted and etched her mind with the plan that Yoichi gave. Keiko will surely execute it well.

"With that said....."

Yoichi grabbed the hairdryer, next to the mirror and pressed the button on it. A gust of air was blown onto Keiko's hair.

"...What kind of hair do you want?"

Keiko grabbed one of her make up accessories and replied with a thin smile.

"Whichever one suits me the best."

"Roger that."

Yoichi proceeded to construct the hairstyle that she wants with utmost care.

"Hey, Onii-chan..."


"Can you give me more of those types of plans?"


Yoichi pondered whilst making her hairstyle.

"Okay then, listen to me..."



Asahi darted his look towards that voice. He saw Keiko who was jogging towards him. She was late and panting as she approached Asahi.


"Sorry, did you wait long?"


A hair bun was made just a little back from the top of her head. And the rest of her hair smoothly flowed on either side of her head.

She took back some strands of hairs that were in a disorderly manner from when she was jogging and put them back behind her ear.

Her glossy lips as well as her smooth rosy cheeks and attractive eyes entranced Asahi and made him freeze with admiration.

She calmed her breathing, clasped her hand together and winked at him.

"I apologize for coming late."

Her smile was adorable and yet sexy simultaneously. Being late was the last thing on Asahi's mind.

His gaze focused on her presence itself, ignoring his surrounding. Even though there were many people passing by and noise came from multiple directions, they were all shrouded in the void and vanished from his point of view.

Only Keiko was present.

"Asahi-kun, let's go."

Keiko grabbed his arm and dragged him to their destination.

"A-Ah..." He finally snapped back to reality and let himself be led.

He matched her pace and walked leisurely alongside her. They chatted joyfully until they reached the theatre.

They had a movie scheduled at 11:45 a.m. What they wanted to watch together as a couple was not a romance movie, but a horror one.

Keiko had an ulterior motive behind her mind. And that is.....


Frightened, she clung to Asahi's arm. seeking refuge from the gruesome image displayed on the big screen.

They were in the front row so the cries of Keiko got shrouded by the movie's loud sound. So only Keiko's seatmates could hear her.

Asahi was a pretty calm guy that appreciated the drama and horrific scenes of this movie.

Right now though, the time that he enjoyed the most was when his girlfriend would suddenly grab onto him whenever a jumpscare came.


That is his only thought when he saw Keiko's scared face.

Her lips fidgeting from fear and her eyes twitching, unable to endure the gore.

"...I'm scared....."

She muttered and he heard it. Her grip strengthened on Asahi's arm. He glanced at her weak self. A sense of responsibility just emerged inside of him.

He slowly lifted his arm, clutched Keiko's shoulder and brought her closer.

She was perplexed by his action. But Asahi reassuringly smiled at her, which made her heart pound so heavily.

'Success!!!!!' Keiko inwardly celebrated.

One of Yoichi's tactics worked.

They both looked at the big screen and enjoyed the rest of the movie, while their body's warmth intertwined with each other.


"In the end, that was unexpected!"

"Yes. The movie in all is a blockbuster in my opinion."

"I agree."

Keiko and Asahi sat down at one of the tables with only two seats. They were in a recently opened new restaurant that she talked about with Yoichi.

They went on and ordered some food and drink to satiate their hunger that accumulated after the movie.

Keiko and Asahi both had matching food and even drinks.

The atmosphere was merry as a lovey-dovey chat went on between them. The other customers that would occasionally catch the couple by their sight, imagined that such a couple is made in heaven.

Both were good looking people and they were blatantly a couple. No wonder people wished for their happiness.

Just after some time, the door to the restaurant opened and there entered another young couple.

"Yui-chan~ This is surprisingly looking luxurious for meals at a considerable price. How did you pick this place?"

"It is a new restaurant that opened up recently. I thought we should check it out for our date."

"Nice going, Yui-chan~"

Kimura Naoko and Ando Yui entered together, proceeding to find empty seats.

"Oh? Isn't that Keiko-san and your childhood friend, Sato-kun?"

Naoko pointed at the seat where the couple concerned occupied.

"Oh, you are right."

Ando detected them having a joyful and romantic aura surrounding them. She had a smug face when she looked at Asahi's gentle smile.

"We should join them. HE-Ackei!!?"

Right before Naoko was about to call out to them, Ando elbowed him to the stomach.


"Let them be. Come on. Let's go."

She grabbed his wrist and led him to the same door that they came through to enter.

"B-But, what about our date?" His face became grim.

"Let's go elsewhere. Besides, I know that anywhere we would go, you will make it enjoyable for me, won't you, Nao-chan~?"

His lips curled like a cat and his mood rose to another level.

"Hehehe~ You have such sweet words, Yui-chan~"

"I always had them, Nao-chan~"

"Come then, Yui-chan~"

"As you say, Nao-chan~"

Ando latched onto Naoko's arm and they both exited the restaurant, leaving Keiko and Asahi with their alone time.

"Asahi-kun, say 'ahh'."

Keiko twirled some spaghetti and a little ketchup into her fork and brought it closer to Asahi's mouth. He felt like a baby that was being fed so childishly.

His cheeks turned red from the embarrassment. He wanted to turn down that offer since they were surrounded by so many people's eyes but how could he?

How could he refuse such a serving from a beautiful girl like her?

So, Asahi gulped all his embarrassment and ate the spaghetti.

That made Keiko smile wider.

"It is even more delicious than before."

"Oh my, stop teasing me like this, Asahi-kun."

"I am telling the truth." He grinned at her.

Keiko's heart was on a rollercoaster ride today. Well, she wasn't prepared for one more plan that Yoichi advised for.

However, she determined herself that she will certainly execute it.

Then, she commenced it.

"Asahi-kun, you have some ketchup on your cheeks."


He took some tissue paper next to the fork and tried to wipe the ketchup.

"Is it gone?"

"No, a bit more to the left."


"It hasn't gone yet, a bit higher."


"Wait a second."

Keiko got up and approached Asahi very closely. She grabbed the tissue from his hand and focused on Asahi's face.

"Stay still for a moment."

Her other hand smoothly caressed the other untainted cheek. Asahi's gaze remained on Keiko's. Her fingertips created statics in Asahi's mind.

Her face was brought closer. The perfume wafting from her felt stronger than ever before.

Asahi got entangled by the vines of beauty.




Her glossy rosy lips met with Asahi's lips. She wished to eternally stay in this place.

With disappointment in her mind, she parted her lips apart from Asahi's. She was not happy that she could not stay like this forever.

Asahi was red completely. From ear to cheeks, he felt warm and endearing.

"I got it off, hehehe~"

She cutely giggled in front of his face.

At that moment, Asahi realized that there was never really ketchup in his cheeks.