
The Beginning

*rain drops*

''Ugh, it's another day''

I said while opening my eyes. I took my phone and checked the time.

'7:00 am'

I drank a sip of water from the bottle near my bed. I went to sleep again and woke up at 10:00 am.

''I want some coffee'' Is what I said with a dark looking face.

I got out of my bed and went straight for the kitchen, this was the start of another shitty day, I was able to feel it. Once I finished making my coffee I poured some in my cup .

Before drinking my coffee I felt the need to get a book so that I could fill the emptiness of my heart. While searching for a book to read I looked at the window and I saw that it was raining.

The sound of rain makes me feel fulfilled so, I was quite happy to see that it was raining, rain itself isn't only a blessing for the fields but also for the human. The sound of raining quickly transcended in a weird wave that got to my mind and soul, calming me completely.

It was as if this day wasn't as miserable as I thought anymore, but quite intriguing. I chose a book that was talking about suffering, depression and suicide and then I put it on the desk near my laptop and went to the kitchen so I can bring the coffee to my room since I forgot to bring it with me the first time.

I sat on the chair and opened the book to check where I stop reading last time.

*flipping pages*

Once I found the page I was looking for, I started reading.

*one hour later*

I closed the book while having a bitter taste in my mouth, it was from my coffee even though I knew there was another reason for that.

Looking at the book's cover I started thinking something very critical, without even realizing it.

''Suicide, huh...'' I muttered while staring into space.

I was able to somehow understand why people are depressed but I could not help it but think that suicide was an act that only a coward could be able to perform. To me, suicide sounded like surrendering or running away from your problems without fighting any further. I was also able to understand that people who commit suicide are just not able to take it anymore, that being the reason why they give up, still, as a person who would only think about fighting back even if I were in the worst possible state, I still didn't fully understand.

*getting up while looking at the clock*


Heading straight toward the window of my room to check if it was still raining , I thought : ''If only I were able to do something''

In a split second everything around me disappeared and I found myself staying in a black void. I looked up and saw nothing but more nothingness.

I heard a weak sounding voice . After about ten seconds I was able to realize that it was far away from me so I started running in that direction. But unfortunately, I still could not see anyone.

''Now, I am able to see that you are truly worthy''

''Huh? Worthy of what?''

''You'll soon see, my beloved.''

I woke up again, finding myself laying on the floor. I quickly got up and ran through my apartment to see if there is something suspicious.

"What the hell just happened?" I said while putting my face between my hands.

*tramping while running back to my room*

My phone's clock showed the exact time the clock on my desk showed me when I sat up from my chair.

I went to my bed so I can take a moment to realize what just took place. With my hands between my hands again, I thought something and smirked. My head hurt so I layed on the bed, and shortly after that I fell asleep .

Everything around me was dark again .

''So you summoned me again.'' I said while making a calm expression with my eyes closed.

''Indeed, I can see that you were well aware of it the whole time''

''That was my test, wasn't it?

''Yes, that was a test, how were you able to figure it out?''

''You could say that i always felt like I was waiting for something to happen'' I confessed, and short after that I changed to a serious face, and went forward saying: '' Now, could you show yourself to me? My beloved.'' While thinking of the time she said that I was her beloved.

''Sure, since you are the one...'' The entity said while her voice kept getting more and more close to me.

The entity showed herself, now, I was able to witness a beautiful being, the entity being a charming lady with silver hair and a beautiful looking face, her eyes were azure blue, they were cold looking but, in reality, her eyes were full of emotion and compassion, I was able to clearly feel that.

''I see...'' She said while making a smile

''Of course you are able to see it.''

I was completely able to understand that she was a supreme being. She was neither an angel or a devil . She was a true outstanding goddess. I felt like I already met her before.