
Unexpected turn of events

1. Unexpected acquaintance

It happened 6000 years ago. Sometimes I still wonder how did the light at the end of the tunnel showed itself to me, it was Fumiko herself who saved me from the never-ending darkness I bore all my miserable life.

''Hey kiddo, we have a job for you'' Said one of the people that were in charge of me.

I looked at him and wondered what was he up to this time. Using me again? Probably.

''There is this angel that I want you to take care of.'' He said while making an ugly smile.

At the time, I was the young gifted demon of the Gremory family that was kept in secret and used as a soulless puppet, not only my potential magic power was a characteristic that pushed that job on me but also my cold-hearted blood. I developed such ''quality'' over the 15 years I was raised as a soulless and ruthless beast, but Fumiko changed me, I am still thankful.

''Alright.'' I said with an emotionless face, but there was no surprise in that, it wasn't the first time I ''took care'' of someone.

As usual, I stalked the next victim who had to suffer a striking death and in the blink of an eye, regrets everything, from being born in this merciless world to getting murdered by a weapon with no will and purpose. Even though I didn't like to go around eliminating targets, I got accustomed to it and I can't be blamed for that, after all, I was raised like that.

After I've studied enough the target, it was time to strike. But, there was this fortunate turn of events that saved me.

Someone bumped into me, it was the target.

''Oh! I am very sorry, please forgive my lack of attention.''

I stared into the target's eyes, she probably thought it was a glare but it wasn't. The target was a young angel with tremendous power magic, but it looked to me as if she didn't know how to use it yet.

''It's nothing...'' I said and then went saying :

''May I know your name?''

''Unfortunately, I am not allowed to tell anyone.''

''It's okay.''

I, a ruthless beast was talking to someone, even more than that, it was a girl, I did not experience such interaction until now.

''As an apology, I'd like to take you for a walk around the park here.'' The girl said.

''I don't think I have time for that.''

''Don't stress it, just come with me!''

She took my hand and walked me around as if she made sure that I wouldn't run away from her... Looking back on it, she was the first person to be kind to me, I do not think someone spent so much time with me in my entire life, I had a weird feeling in my chest, it felt like heart, or rather black hole was starting to fill with feelings, for the first time in my life.

And it was as if I finally started to feel, and it was for another person, not me.

While going around the park she made me taste ice cream, for me was it was a thing that I did not see before nor tasted, it was tasty, the feeling of something sweet melting in my mouth was extraordinary, it was the first thing that I ate apart from food given to prisoners or slaves.

''Do you see that statue over there? I heard it is the statue of a renowned hero. Humans seem to cherish heroes, don't they?'' She said with a sorrowful voice.

I looked at the statue more closely, that's when I spotted a name engraved on the statue ''Michael Light''. It did not make any sense to me at the time.

''Are you okay?'' I said with a concerned face. We where both in the world of humans and the two of us knew very well the fact that the one standing beside them, isn't a human.

''Anyway! Let's explore this place more!''

I followed her again, I wasn't able to refuse, my heart wasn't permitting me to do that, I think that's the reason, another valid argument would be that she took my hand again.

We reached the end of a street, it was a dead end. Suddenly three of my colleagues approached us, my dream finally came to an end, sadly.

''When are you going to finish the job, number 1012?''

The girl looked at me panicked, she was starting to get the grasp of the situation.

My face expressed nothing but emptiness and anger. I glared at them.

''You're glaring to us? You soulless creature.''

''And what if I am?''

''Heh... this idiot is starting to get a bit cocky.'' Said one of them and then they started laughing.

I froze at that moment, I did not know what I desired. But then, a question streaked my mind, ''What do I want?''. I remained frozen and it was as if the world froze at the same time with me, but, it was just a moment since I already made a decision, in that split second I decided to follow my feelings and the persons that we're able to make me feel treasured, even though it might sound a bit crazy, I, a demon connected with an angel and she was probably more than just an angel, just like I was more than a mere demon.

''All three of you are going to vanish from existence.''

''Hahaha, good jo-''

He didn't get to finish his sentence since I slashed his head with my daggers. Fumiko's eyes were filled with terror and she started trembling slowly stepping back.

''I am not going to attack you, chill out.'' I said to her.

''W...Who are these people?''

''H-Hehe... f-freaked out?'' Said the second guy, even though he was sensing the tension in the air and my murderous intent. I could see it in his eyes. The fear and agitation he was trying to hide behind the veil of his vanity.

It was a pretty good feeling, finally fighting back, now they were able to notice who was the threat.

I charged to the second one and cut off all of his limbs in the blink of an eye, I was able to see the terror in his eyes and how the regret was starting to build up, I was able to see that.

''You damn traitor! How dare you?!?'' Said the third one but I did not give him any attention.

I pierced the eyes of the second guy so the third would be able to realize what he got into. I dashed to him and he fell crying like a baby and asking for my mercy while the other one died from all that unbearable pain, such a miserable death.

I looked into the eyes of the last enemy and said while getting a good grip of my daggers and said while slashing him to pieces:

''From now on... I am going to decide for my own life''