*loud cheering noises*
"Huh?"I said confused.
The noise was coming from the backyard of the school and people started leaving the building and headed in that direction to hear the speech the director of the school had prepared.
I got to the door so I can go back to the schoolyard again. The people around me seemed to want to go out as well.
"For humanity!"
Is what I heard as soon as I opened the door. On the stage was a good-looking man which was probably in his 30s.
"Is he a teacher?" I mumbled.
''No.'' Said someone in a deep voice.
I turned my head to see who talked to me.
"Are you a freshman?" He asked while getting his hand out of pocket wanting to shake hands with me.
"Yes, do I know you?" I asked while shaking his hand.
"Well, you are someone new to me but, who knows?" He replied.
"Then, I guess that we didn't." I said with my eyes closed and then sighed.
"May I ask for your name?" He asked touching his chin.
"My name is Fudo, what about you?" I answered.
"Mine is Kenji, nice to make your acquaintance." Said Kenji letting go of my hand.
Kenji was a young man with brown hair and green eyes, on top of him being pretty handsome he looked athletic as well.
"What grade are you in?" I asked him.
"I'm a sophomore." Said Kenji while smiling brightly at me.
"That makes sense." I added.
"Hmm you give off a different vibe from the people I've met so far." Kenji mumbled analyzing me from head to toe.
"Is that so?" I asked in a confused voice.
"Yes, you seem to be more entertaining than the others." He declared.
"I-I see." I assumed.
"Anyway, see you around!" Kenji said.
Before I could tell him goodbye he turned around and left. He was probably different from the rest of the students since he wore a different uniform, maybe he was part of a committee that I didn't know of yet.
The man that was on the stage earlier left and now the students were singing the hymn of the academy.
I listened to the hymn and when it was done that man got back on the stage again.
"I officially announce that the first semester starts right now! I hope all of the students at our academy enjoy their time here learning and meeting new people!" The man announced and left.
Students started leaving the place where the announcement was made and most of them went to the other parts of the schoolyard with their friends.
"So we don't have any classes today?" I asked in my mind confused.
I was looking at the big picture, teenagers were having fun talking to their friends, some were already playing games and most of them seemed to have a good time and I asked myself if they know what truly lies beyond this world. The harshness of the world they will arrive in after leaving this will be unmatchable and many would lose their souls because of how weak-willed and unprepared they are.
Looking around I suddenly spotted some boys playing chess and since I always liked this strategy game my first urge was to go to them and ask if I can play.
I walked to them and around the 2 people who were at the table playing there were 4 others who were just watching them play.
"I am sorry for disturbing you guys but I have a question for you, can I play a match?" I asked in a polite tone.
"Sure, you just have to wait for your turn." Said one of them shaking hands with me.
"Oh, sure, thanks for allowing me to play." I thanked him.
"Huh, you seem pretty passionate about chess." Said the guy who had the upper hand in the match.
"Well, you could I say I enjoy playing it." I replied touching my chin and looking at the sky for a second until looking back at him.
"That's great, do you want to play after I win this match?" He asked me.
"Why are you so sure you will win?" Asked his opponent.
"Just play and you'll see." He answered with utmost seriousness.
They continued playing and soon enough his opponent started looking stressed, I looked at the position of all the pieces on the board and he was clearly losing.
"Checkmate" Said the one who had the upper hand while moving his rook.
"H-How do you always manage to win, Masahiro?" Asked his opponent stuttering.
Masahiro turned his head towards me and gave me a smile.
"Are you ready to play?" He asked.
"Please take a seat so we can get started." Masahiro said while rearranging the pieces on the chessboard.
I made myself comfortable on the chair while analyzing his confident smug, by the looks of it he is probably the best player in this group and that feeds his superiority complex. I thought of asking him a question.
"Are you the best player in this group?" I asked Masahiro.
"Yes, and in the whole school as well." He replied looking me in the eyes with an arrogant smile.
"Then, we shall see if the last statement you made really is true." I replied giving him a kind smile.
"Yeah, sure." He mumbled in a very cold manner.
We started playing. Moving my pieces gently and making them as efficient as possible I looked at him and he looked pretty nervous. He started doing more reckless moves the more we got deeper into the game.
Masahiro got his eyes up from the chessboard and fixed them at me, his expression was made of both fear and anger, not surprising at all for someone who is so egotistic.
I moved my knight and placed it close to one of his pawns.
"So you aren't so tough, huh?" Masahiro said taking my knight with his pawn.
I looked him in the eyes and turned my eyes back to the board, I moved my queen past his pawn instead of taking it.
"Checkmate." I announced smiling.