The Beginning


The dim lights in a room revealed a young man seated on a experiment table of the sort. He scans the rooon obviously looking for something. The room is a fairly large one. It has the look of a laboratory, but contained lots and lots of machines including mechanical devices and computers . The machines were looking advanced and the young man himself seemed the inventor.

Behind the door adjacent to a large screen just opposite where the young man sat, another individual unlocked the door and came out. He was wet all-over wearing a pair of jeans. In addition to his ruffled hair and scarred face, there was a look of frustration and disappointment on his face.

"It failed Malcolm , it failed again." the man said. "I don't think we're ever going to get this done...." he paused for a moment. "Don't you think your ambitions are way too high. It isn't like the last one where we had your ex and her team help us." he sighed and continued. "Even if we could assemble a team, there could always be the possibility of a snitch. "

He concluded. He suddenly raised up his head about to say something when the individual on the table presumably Malcolm raised his hand. "Enough. I've had enough of your talk for today. You're throwing me into despair. Please Logan, please... " he pleaded.

"Sure, sure" Logan said.



"Turn that damn thing off" Logan said. He picked a gun from the table and turned to look at the door right in front of them which was the entrance.

"Relax guys" a female voice resounded round the room. Both men turned around to the direction of the sound wondering how a woman got through the secret passage to the room.

"I thought I wouldn't find you here Malcolm" the female said.

"Cecilia" Malcolm exclaimed. He seemed so happy to see this lady whom Logan also knew.

"Here we were just discussing about you" Logan revealed.

"What are you doing here" Malcolm inquired. "I'm so happy to see you" he said moving towards her.

"There's no time for formalities" Cecilia stated. "I know what you want to do or rather, what you are doing." she said.

"What do you know? How do you know?"

"You don't understand. Why wouldn't I know. You and I were together for quite some while..." Malcolm didn't like what she just said. "I helped you build the program that stopped the near tyrannical reign of Wotler. We've worked so much together. I know you and your thoughts. I want to help you stop my sons..."

"Your sons!" Logan interjected.

"Yes. I'm responsible for them and their actions. And after much brainstorming, I've come up with an idea. A device to monitor and control all digital activities. We use it to stop them." She concluded.

"Whoever holds such a devices, with the right tools, is capable of world domination. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Cecilia on hearing that paused for moment, before saying. "The idea of a digital controlling device seems farfetched, but there's more to it."


"I think I understand where you are going. Instead of a device, I think an installable program." Logan said.

"Most correct" Malcolm concurred.

"You understand this could take years, to accomplish" he said addressing Cecilia, a furrow appearing on his face and he made that statement. Evidently, Malcolm didn't savour the idea on spending most of his life on a project. But, they were scientists all the same.

"I understand. But with my team, it'll make the work more easier." Cecilia said.

"Sure. But there could be some time for us.." Malcolm addressed her.

Moving away from Malcolm, Cecilia replied.

"First things first."


"Sir, we have eyes on the program. We're ready to intercept it."

"There should be no mistake this time around. I want it done and quickly."

"Yes sir". A young man garbed in on a blue uniform said raising a finger to his ear. Placing the finger on an object in his ear, he disconnected a call. The obvious reason for his conversation.

The young man was standing at the far end of what looked like a camp. There were several box like machines placed on desks all over the place projecting holographic images. The camp was fairly large with areas for human movement. All around the camp were several others garbed in same blue uniform as the young man. They were working with the holographic projectors which served as computers.

It seemed like what they were doing was coming to an end. A loading display box on the hologram was displaying a completion rate of eighty seven percent on most of the holographic screens. Others displayed a map enlarging itself until it reached a point where a red dot was continously beeping.

"Sir Eliot"

"Huh.." The young man supposedly Eliot by name turned back who see who had called him.

"Sir Eliot, the program's been pinpointed. We've gotten it's exact location. At this moment, we just need to disconnect all networks around the area to prevent any encrypted transfer." The individual who had called out reported.

"What is it's location" Eliot asked back.

"North of Alcama Capital"

"Hmm?" Eliot shouted. "We just....Out of my way". He said pushing his fellow comrade away from him and making his way hastily to a large screen which was the central control system.

He tapped some few buttons on the keyboard underneath the large screen. Looking at the screen in front of him showed him discrepancies in time. The system time was falling behind the actual time. Eliot's eyes widened in shock, and then in anger.

"We've been hacked"

Those closest to Eliot turned their attention towards him.

"How" questioned an individual with googles.

Eliot didn't reply the question outrightly, but turned to the others and inquired.

"What was your last findings. I do mean your last coordinates." addressing a female in blue uniform. "East of sector G16. That was our last coords, before... before.." The female stuttered before she could finally answer.

"Before the glitch. There was a glitch in our system for about half a second."

"Ack" Eliot cursed under his breath. He walked towards the far end of the of the camp to what looked like a large iron door. Pulling the lever connected to it, the huge bars made way like a sliding door. Behind the bars were munitions, arms and weapons strapped to anchors. Eliot reached in and pulled out a utility belt, attached few munitions to it and strapped on an exo amour. The others took this as their cue to get ready for a fight. All marched towards the huge barred armoury to pick their weapons.

'Beep Beep'

The young man Eliot picked up the call and waited for the person on the other end of the call.

"Trouble in paradise?"

"Yeah. How do you know that?" Eliot responded

"You waited for me to speak first. And then you spoke immediately. It is an emergency right?"

"Sure did deduce well. However, do something for me will you?" Without waiting for a response, Eliot continued. "Inform the general, we've been hacked. We're on our way to sector G16. It sure promises to be a tough battle with the rebels. You do know that. We need assistance. The program can't get away this time. We're running out of supplies. I do hope that you know what to do. "

" Be safe brother " the guy on the other end of the call said before the call was disconnected.

" Rebels.. " Eliot grunted. He opened up a little box on the utility belt attached to his exo armor. Reaching into it, he picked out some pills dark red in color. Looking around, he could see the individuals around already equipped with their exo amour, fitted with deadly weapons.

"God help us" he said swallowing the pills.



A bulky man slammed a wooden mallet repeatedly on a table as he turned to look at the disturbing press.

It was a large setting having stark resemblance to court proceedings. At the front of the large auditorium was a large dark metal table. Behind it sat three persons all in suit. Adjacent to the table was a little dock. In it was a fairly large and bulky man. Few metres away from the table were considerable amount of people. Most were females shouting out questions while holding microphones, the males amongst them stayed by the cameras. The press were been coordinated by some security personnel. It looked like some Q&A session.

"My dear Travis, why the frown. I did expect your face to have softened up by now...." the gentleman at the right end of the table said. He had brown blond platinum hair. His face literally screamed sarcasm.

"We're not here for useless formalities Twain. But to resolve the issue at hand. The conflict between what you refer to as the Academy and my side.." the individual at the other end of the table stated almost shouting. He had same platinum hair except his was black. Surely he was the Travis.

"What side, rebels? " Twain stated calmy." Need I remind you that two can only agree on a common goal. You..."

"Listen to yourself" Travis angrily retorted " I can never share your goal. You want to rule the world. Condemn men to slavery beneath your feet...."

"Ridiculous. What nonsense. Where did you get that from. Don't tell me you came up with that on your own. You must have probably done a lot of rehearsals.." Twain said, laughing as he did so.

"Nothing is ridiculous. Why do you keep secluding your technology from the rest of the world who are not under your umbrella. You need people to trust you and take shelter under your leadership, open up. Has anyone ever told you that your operations are needlessly secretive. My goals for creating a separate umbrella are different. I seek to... "

" Don't tell me you want to save the world from their so called 'nemesis' "Twain interjected." And don't give me lectures on loyalty. " Turning to the press Twain shouted." Ladies and gentlemen, behold Travis, leader of the rebels showing us the truth about loyalty.. ".

"Don't joke with what I'm telling you." Travis said. He was speaking using a metaphor.


The two men were bickering forth and back. They argued without allowing the other to finish. One calm, sarcastic. The other brash, hot tempered.

They were both representatives of the leaders of the world most powerful organizations. The ACADEMY and the RESISTANCE. They both ignored the existence of the man sitting between them.

"Look at what has been achieved, over the past four years, the Academy has grown, now containing under her umbrella close to half of the world's population. We've increased food production, reduced poverty, reduced death caused by adverse effects of UV rays. We've faced the world's imminent threat head on and have given people the ability to protect them selves. " Twain stated

" lAt what cost. The millions under the Academy have been secluded from every one not belonging to the Academy. There is no free entry nor exit into or from the Academy." Travis stated.

"A minor price to pay. Besides, everyone who is living outside of the Academy is doomed. The Academy has all it takes to protect lives, to give life." Standing up and addressing the press, Twain shouted" Listen, broadcast this. The Academy has purchased your peace, your lives and is offering it to you. " Twain sat down back immediately after his little speech.

Suddenly, the ignored middle man shouted. " What nonsense. No one needs your offerings. Instead of separating into units, we should bind as one. "

"Indeed" Twain sneered. I'm a shocking twist, he pulled out a weapon. Before he could pull the trigger, a loud sound was heard and the man in the middle went limp and fell.

Twain looked at Travis who pulled the trigger who responded by;" He talks too much."

Twain stood and looked at the press persons and said. "Broadcast this. Anyone who still stays outside of the forcefield dome of the Academy is a fool."

After saying this, he walked out while Travis walked the other way. Before going, Travis turned to Twain and warned.

"Next time we meet again, it won't end well."

"Same here"


Written by Branchtas.