One Last Spar

Jim could not believe what his parents just said to him. One moment he was thinking about never leaving them. The other moment, a chance presented itself for him to leave them. The discussion had been had multiple times in the past and Jim always won deciding that he would not go to the Academy. Always presenting his reasons strongly, he was able to convince his parents not to send him there. However, it seemed the reason for him being sent there had far escalated to the point beyond the crisis in the world only.

No! He would not go. He would never But Jim knew he had no choice. His parents were right, whether he wanted to believe it or not.

"Why do they have to be right?" Jim shouted. "Why in the world do they have to be damn right" Jim began to curse and didn't know when he threw the flower vase close to him on the floor. The flower vase shattered into multiple pieces and Jim felt his emotions do so also.

"Why" Jim muttered. He felt droplets of tears course down his cheeks and splatter across the rug.


In the sitting room, Yelena was walking about the entire place talking to herself. As for Wayne, he just decided to sit on a sofa and was in deep thought.

"My baby...." Yelena complained.

"So you think we did the right thing" she added addressing Wayne.

Wayne looked up to reveal a blank face.

"Seriously, I don't know. But maybe, just maybe we're right to send him away."

"Maybe!" the agitated mother screamed.

"Yes" Wayne said returning the favor. "At least" he said, "probability of survival is greatly desired to the assurance of death."

Yelena had calmed down a little after what Wayne had said. However, Wayne wasn't done yet.

"You've watched the adverts right? He'll be properly trained there. You know.." he continued. "With technology we don't have access to. There'll be lots and lots of opportunities we never got to give him, or make ready for him."

"Lena" he called getting up, walking towards her and holding her hands. "Look at the bright side and not the down side of this.. I promise you, Jim will be safe." he assured.

Yelena looked at him with a dissapointed face and sighed. "It's not only about that."

"I know" the assuring father said. "But what more can I say. It's his life before ours.

" Pardon me for interrupting" a voice rang from across the room. It was the butler, Yao Han. He strode across the room and stopped in front of Yelena and Wayne, few meters from them.

"I know you love the kid. I suggested this idea to Mrs Yelena." he revealed to an unsuprised Wayne. Addressing the couple, he continued.

"I did so, not because I wanted the boy to stay away from his family, but because he will have no life here, no solid purpose, no concrete vision. He'll live his life in fear, while running." Yao Han said.

"Truth to be told" he continued, "Doing this will be the best decision you'll make for him. He'll not only be trained, he'll be empowered, managed

I for one want his cocky attitude to be in check." he chuckled lightly.

"Most of all, you'll get to see him one day on one piece. That's sure." Yao Han concluded.

"I'll help him unpack" Yao Han offered as he walked away.

Yelena turned her gaze to the walking Yao Han, then fixed it on Wayne and finally, to the direction of her son's room.

"I'll help him unpack too"

Wayne was left alone after both Yao Han and Yele were gone. He felt frustration and overwhelming depression. He knew he made the right decision. But deep down, he wondered if he did.


Jim knew he had limited time to stay with his parents. They had made it crystal clear to him that by latest, he should be on his way to the Academy the next day. He was packing his things. His clothes, shoes were all he needed to take along. According to his parents, he would have enough to use there.

"Is this what it truly is?" Jim thought to himself. He wondered how life would be in the Academy. How wo would his life go there. He reasoned. Here, he lived in a mansion with his family nor considering the crisis. He had a personal butler, had loving parents. He led a comfortable life here. But as for the Academy, he had no idea how he would live there. It was another world completely. This was the young lad's thought who was already becoming apprehensive.

His train of thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Who's there"

"Butler Yao Han"

"What do you want?" Jim asked in annoyance.

To Jim's surprise, his butler unlocked the door and stepped into the room.

"What are you doing" Jim asked in shock raising his voice. To Jim's absolute surprise, Yao Jan walked towards him and placed his hands on his shoulder startling Jim the more.

"I need to talk to you" Han stated camly.

Since he was leaving very soon, Jim didn't mind but allowed Yao Han to talk.

"Yeah. Whatever" he said. After which, he kept silent. Yao Han took Jim's silence as a cue for him to talk.

"Jim, I understand you. Simply take your journey as a voyage to another country. It'll be more easier to accept it that way than any other way. Imagine a vacation" he continued. "A vacation that you will surely return from. Surely you do not have any qualms about leaving. You just do not wish to leave your parents. If I'm correct, I would love to assure you that you will see them again. Surely, you will see them again." Yao Han assured.

" You do not have to assure me

I fully understand you. But however, that's not the only reason for wanting to remain here. I believe the Academy was founded because of the crappy belief in some strange being who would destroy the world completely.

" You think so?" Han interrupted.

"I don't think so, I know so." Jim said only to receive a light laughter as a response from his butler, followed by a remark.

"You still have a lot to learn."

Jim rolled his eyes and returned the favor saying, "And who will teach me"

"The Academy. You have acknowledged it already" his butler said.

"HAN" Jim shouted in annoyance. His martial butler was beginning to get on his nerves. After his little outburst, he continued with what he was saying.

"They'll.. I don't even have the faintest idea of who the they are. They'll put me through all sorts of and prepare me to be a 'better person'.

A look of concern fill butler Yao Han's eyes. He placed both of his hands on the shoulders of his young trainee.

"Look little Alfred" he said, "For every one person that enters the Academy, trust me, there's hope for the world. And I'm sure whoever the' they' are, they will be interested in your well-being as well as anything else."

"Don't tell me you believe..." Jim tried to interrupt.

"Ssshh" the Butler hushed.

"You're the hope of this family. A hope your parents look up to. A hope your personal tutors and I look up to. A hope we all look up to. Don't disappoint us all."

The worry on Jim's eyes lessened a little after listening to his butler.

The already unlocked door creaked open to reveal his mother who had been behind it for some while. Jim couldn't control himself any longer and ran into the waiting arms of his mother.

"I love you so much darling" she confessed.

"I love you too." Jim answered back.

He remained in his mother's embrace until he released himself from it.

"My young boy" his mother said. "Be a man. Don't you cry." she said wiping the tears from Jim's face.

"I'm sending you there because I love you. You'll have a much better life there. Earth's a war world now. We're not safe anymore. The Academy is your only hope." she emphasized. Jim couldn't understand his mother but could not fully grasp one thing.

"Why don't you and dad come with me." he asked, his face becoming brighter.

"His mom's face became dark." Jim" she called.

"At some point in some times, you need to stay alone. Besides, it's your life and not ours. So don't worry about us." she stated.

The young master knew he shouldn't ask any further questions. Besides, it was not like this was the first time that he was told that the Academy could be his home.

" I understand "Jim answered in return."You should get some rest" she said. "You have a big day ahead of you."

"Yes I will."

Yelena turned to leave and sobbed quietly while walking away. Jim decided to set his things in order before the next day. He also had to include sleep in his preparation for the next day. He needed to to forget all his worries for some time, enjoy some rest and of course, relish the experience of sleeping in his own home. Turning to pick the rest of his things, he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"One last spar"

He turned around to look at the individual who said that. His eyes locked with those of butler Yao Han.

"You said what" Jim asked back.

"Young master" the butler spoke. "You did hear me well and know fully what I'm talking about.. However, for the sake of the young master's question, I'll repeat myself. How about one spar? This time around, you and I in a different way than usual."

Jim didn't understand why his most esteemed butler was spouting what seemed like nonsense to him. Did butler Han miss beating him up? However, Jim had not forgotten that he had to hit his butler in the groin. Why say no to this perfect opportunity. This was Jim's thought.

A large smile etched itself on Jim's face.


Butler Yao Han smiled and left the room. Jim knew where to meet his butler.

He walked over to the wardrobe to get his training clothes by his eyes caught something or some one far outside the mansion through the window

The strange person seemed to be staring at him from such a far distance. And Jim, did not feel comfortable. He pulled himself together and removed his eyes from the strange person.

"That person will leave there. He's not here for me." Jim thought.

As of now, he had groin to hit.