Voyage [Part 1]

Jim had dropped his hands already and could see the waving butler become more smaller. He could see the butler become nothing more than a little dot on a large surface. This was the same with the surroundings of the Academy Airport. Everything became so small as the craft moved up higher in to the skies.

Now, the full backlash and effects of of all the emotions he refused to let out, lashed out in full force. He laid his head firmly between both his palms which rested on his thighs, being supported by his elbow.

Now that he did think of it clearly, his parents were one, together and in love just as it was in his heart. His butler also, was a part of his lovely family even though he was hardly shown any respect. The full weight of emotions he had held back had crashed into him and as he struggled to keep his emotions in check, the struggle with his tears also continued.

In reality, his parents, the butler and all his personal tutors, they were just one big family.

"Heck" he was beginning to think too much and so sympathetically.

He straightened himself up and dried up his tears before it could arrive. Jim looked around at himself. He hadn't even taken time to analyze his surroundings. The inside of the plane, was just like any other craft. However, there was a certain curtain upfront that attendants entered every now and then. Jim would not want to believe that he was not in the VIP section. But again, attendants entered the section where he was through a curtain located at the very back end of the of the section. Jim looked behind him, while viewing the plane and noticed the strange man he saw at the mansion gate seated at at a far end.

"Is he stalking me?" Jim was beginning to get paranoid. He had seen the strange man through his room window, at the mansion gate and now here. It wasn't like the guy had any inclinations towards him or exhibited one. He seemed like every other person but Jim had met him twice in a row.

"If I do see him again, I'll have to question him or take some measures to get him away from me." Jim thought. He also needed to inquire about the section beyond this one. Any thing to keep him busy other than his phone.

Luckily for him, an attendant was passing by, and so, he decided to question this one.

"Excuse me please"

While Jim couldn't believe had just added the word please to his sentence, wondering where that manner came from, the attendant was walking towards him already.

"How may I help you sir" the slim and curvy lady said. Jim couldn't help but notice that one aspect of the attendant. Adjusting himself in a most presentable way, he replied back to the attendant.

"I believe this is the VIP section of the plane, right?"

"Yes sir" the attendant replied.

Jim rolled his eyes. This wasn't the first time he was called sir. His tutors called him sir, his butler even called him young master, with respect. Even his parents, they called him sir, though sarcastically. This was exactly what this attendant was doing.

"Sir" the lady repeated herself.

"I've noticed that there is another section beyond this one. If this is the VIP section, how about the other side. Surely.." he said, "that couldn't be the cabin."

"Is that all?" the lady asked, surprised at the reason behind the young lad's call. Silence was all she received for an answer. Seeing no reply forth coming, she decided to respond.

"I don't really know. But from what I've gathered, there is the VIP section of this plane, the VVIP section of this plane which obviously is very very important personnel and that section of the plane beyond here. And finally, there is the SVIP section, which represents the special VIPs, that also is beyond the VVIP section.

"Do you have any idea who is in there currently" Jim decided to probe further.

The young lady was getting annoyed at all these questions, but another look at Jim, she decided not to shun him.

"I really don't have any idea again. But I strongly believe that the people in there are not as us. There are not moving to the Academy, they could actually belong to the Academy, but all in all, they are not immigrants."

Jim hearing the word 'us', and seeing the way she had been answering his questions, began to wonder if this lady was actually an attendant. He decided to take a good look at her one more time. She had blonde hair which looked like light gold in color but was actually brown. She was perfectly slim and well body shaped. He had to keep himself from being too preoccupied with those chest pieces...

"Hello young man, what are you looking at." the lady's voice interrupted his train of thoughts. Jim felt ashamed. She had caught him in the pervert act even though it was for a brief moment.

"Are you an attendant" Jim asked to steer away the discussion from him.

"No" was the reply.

'Was this a joke "Jim thought. He wondered if the lady in front of him was sarcastic or if she wasn't. However, that point was made clear when the supposed attendant sat on a seat directly opposite Jim. On closer observation, it could be observed that there was no one in the seat previously and the way she picked up the jacket lying on the seat would suggest it belonged to her. All doubts were dispelled. She did look very much like an attendant. The fair and smooth skin, the white shirt she put on. Jim wondered how he did not notice that she wore a blue Jean trouser which looked somehow white, which was not typical of a plane attendant. In addition to that, she also was about his height and couldn't be much older than fifteen years.

"I'm sorry if I bothered you" Jim apologized.

"It's no worry" the lady replied. "I'm Kay

Kay Neville. It's nice to meet you" she introduced stretching out her hand for a shake.

"I'm Jim. Jim Alfred" Jim replied in the same pattern she had introduced herself in and took her hand.

'Are female hands this soft' Jim thought to himself, retracting his hand moments after the handshake.

"Kay.. What a nice name" Jim commented. He could see a smile appear on the girl's face. He needed to say something else and men it. And he had just the right thing to say.

Kay at first was annoyed with the young lad who was questioning her about something that if she knew he should have known also. She had gone to relieve herself and was on her way to the seat she had a sat before when a lad incredibly young interrupted her. Who would have known that that young lad would turn out to be the young lad bothering her with unnecessary questions.

".. they could actually belong to the Academy, but all in all, they are not immigrants." she answered the lad's question as to who was in the section of the plane beyond them.

'Does he really think he must be at the best place every time' she thought as she understood the reason for the guy's question. Her response were met with silence and she ignored the teen intending to sit down when she saw his eyes on her body, particularly on her chest.

"What are you looking at?" she questioned.

Their next conversation revealed that she was mistaken to be a plane attendant. She introduced herself nicely trying to get on nicely, forgetting that they had gotten off on the wrong foot. The quick conversation that proceeded revealed that her impression of the teen named Jim, was quite wrong. This was after he complemented her name making her to let out a smile she wished she hadn't. It seemed her wish today wouldn't come true as she did something she didn't think of ever doing in front of someone she just met.

"You are beautiful" Jim said emphasizing every single word. And this caused her to blush. She felt her cheeks turn red and replied slowly. "Thanks"

The lad seemed satisfied he had made her smile and she was curious why.

"Why are you smiling" she questioned.

Jim's face became dark suddenly but brightened up almost immediately.

"I feel happy making someone smile after a whole day of me not being able to smile" he explained.

"And why were you not able to smile" Kay asked curious as to why the young lad had a sad tale to tell.

"My parents" Jim replied. "After fourteen years of living with my parents, I've left them. And I'll not be seeing them again for a long time."

"Is that it?" Kay asked. In seeing the reaction on Jim's face she quickly apologized. "I'm sorry, I did not mean to be unsympathetic or make you a fool. It just slipped out of my mouth. I'm.."

"Don't worry" Jim interrupted. "It's not your fault. You don't understand what it is to leave one's parents."

"No!" Kay replied back. Ever softly, she continued. "I do know what it is. Only in my case, they left me. Forever."

Jim was shocked. He felt like an insensitive jerk. He just left his parents and felt like the world had crumbled. Even to the point of attacking someone because he felt bad. Only to discover that the person he accused of not understanding anything had actually gone through worse than he had.

"I'm sorry" he muttered.

"There's no problem" Kay replied. "I completely understand you."

Jim at this moment was silent, ruminating over how it was to lose both parents. He didn't want to lose anyone. He also wondered if Kay had any siblings or relations. But then he decided to ask.

"Yes I do." Kay replied to his question. "However, the only one close to me right now is my brother. He's barely older than you."

"Where's he right now?" Jim asked

"He's in the Academy. He was the one who made the arrangements for me to come to the Academy." Kay revealed.

Jim's eyes widened in shock. "Your brother barely older than me made arrangements for you to ride as a VIP to the Academy!" His words sounded more like an exclamation than as a question.

Kay let out a light and prolonged sound. It sounded like a giggle, a child's giggle.

"Cute" Jim commented.

Kay felt shyer than ever and turned her face in the direction directly in front of her. Jim turned to look out the windows, viewing the clouds and thought.

"Maybe this voyage won't be as bad as I thought."