im Hit so i use time skip

I was practicing my swordman ship skills in an open

Area in the city. I was still an ameteur i bought

A book about it but i wasnt helping at all.

Just then i was approached by an old man.

"Greetings young one i see that you are fraustrated"

"Goodmorning Elder sir yes i cant seem to get my swords positioning

Right" i said politely with a sad face.

Just then he hit my feet causing me to step back and he hitted my other feet

Causing me to crouch a little. Just when i was about to get angry.

I realized that my positioning was as if i was a veteran swordsman.

"This.. you.?!-" i said in utter shock i cant even say

It properly how terrifying being able to predict

My moves. This old man must be a swordsmaster.

"If youd like to learn more come to my Dojo"

The old man said while turming his back at me

Like a baddass sensie.

He left a paper containing his adress

After that encounter i found out

That the old man name was John. and was actually a level 5

Adventurer once he was a part of Argus familia

Before it was destroyed he was lucky enough to not

Come with the rest of Argus familia when they went on

An expedition on the 70th floor.

(Argus Famillia one of the rival famillia of

Zeus famillia back then.)

After that he finnaly decided to retire an settledown

In silagon city.

(Here it comes!)

--- timeskip

Its been two years and my current body is 17 now.

I have learn the swordstyle of Master john. Sadly he passed

Away 2 days ago.

My gang is now very big and i decided to leave Saligon and go to

Orario and become an adventurer.

I was standing on top of a building

Thinking on what should i do with my gang

Now that i decided to become an adventurer.

"Hah.. i think about it later right now i should tell you what my

Current strength is"

I dont have a system :(



Strength: lvl 2 / 298 Speed: lvl 2 / 251 inteligence: lvl 5 / 566

Dextirity: lvl 2 / 211 magic: lvl 1 / 31 Name: Kien

Skill: Flash step - you instantly appear behind your enemy when you dashed at them

Surprising them.

Skill: Blink - Allows you to move really fast for 3 seconds also giving the illusion that you teleport.

Skill: Viper strike - a very fast and acurate slash with an intent lf cutting the enemies head.

Spells: Lightning bolt - summons a bolt of lightning out of your hands - cost 10 Magic.


Yes i have a spell master john gave me a Grimgar book before he died

He originaly wanted to give this Grimgar to his friend who

died in the expedition.

(Grimgar - a book that contains a magic spell it dissapear after 1 use)

So i decided to leave silagon and leave my gang at the hands of my

Loyal Lacky Dexter. As garry wanted to come with me and become

An adventurer as well.

Originaly i plan to fake my death as i dont want anyone knowing where

I came from cuz it would be a pain if one day someone find dirt

On me. But i decided to give my Alpha identity to Dexter.

After that i change my haircut and dyed my hair red.

Im not gonna lie i glowed up in the past two years

You can say now that i am a very hot guy. :3

With a sword on my back i was wearing a blue cloak and

Blue Expensive pants and Sleeves."Fresh Start"

"Ugh i dont have pictures " :(

Anyways me and gary bought a horse that will

Be our mount to Orario.


This will be the last time skip :)