Im Hanging On a cliff

Its been a week since Izuku arrived

at the new world of danmachi

he almost at the brink of becoming

a level 2.


In the past few days he learned basic

consept in this world like goddes

level,monsters,items etc but most

importantly he learned about the



going to orario to go dungeon

diving might be the best option

to level which led to izuku

travelling to orario.


"Finally im here!" izuku said smilling

at the giant city walls in front of him

after paying the entrance fee izuku

wanted to explore. then he saw a

good looking set of clothes that is

cheap and he also liked the design.


Izuku bought the set of Green t shirt

leather jacket black leather pants and

a long sword. currently hes low on

money with only 1200 valis left

on him.


while he was walking the streets admiring

the beautiful city he was aprroached by a

girl she has a silver hair.


"eh?" izuku asked


"you drop this mister.." the girl said.

handing izuku a Monster core.


"oh? dind i sold all of my core earlier?"

Izuku asked himself since he was sure

he sold all his monster core to a merchant.


"you dropped it.. are you an adventurer?

ohh my name is syr." she said with a cute smie.


izuku blushed seeing how cute this girl is

"Tha-nks..yeah im an adventurer"(i never talk to a girl before).

he replied.


"ohh..well see you around? uhh?.." syr said.


"its izuku" deku respond.


Syr nodded and entered the boarhat.

what a strange girl izuku thought

anyways its time for me to

go on my first dungeon dive!.


Izuku excitedly run towards

the tower. he never felt

so alive before.




It was already turning night in a nearby

city in orario we can see a small

figure running away from aiz.


she ran very fast but eventually

aiz cought her.


"Let me go arg!" Korume said.


Aiz was suprise to see that the notorious

thier was actually a child. "why are you stealing?"

aiz said calmy.


Korume who said that she can fool this girl

tried her best to act pitiful. "ngeaa! i was just hungry!"

she said with fake tears.


(this bxtch is strong) Kurome said.

Kurome was akame's Younger sister

she was wearing a black cloack and

she had black short hair and a cute face.


aiz felt bad for capturing the kid

but she still turned her over to the

Authorities and claimed her reward.


The police draged the kurome to

a carraige there probably send her

to a Orphanage. aiz thought.


Korume who was hopeless only

stayed silent she was annoyed that

these people capture her if only

she was at her old body she could

kill them with a single swing of

her katana. "Dammit!".


Just then a random figure jumped

from a building and Sliced the two

police man in half.


aiz quicklz drew her sword sensing

danger. whoever this person is

she definitely strong.




Meanwhile at orario we can see a certain

white haired boy he was full of wound

and was at the verge of life and death

along with him was a blond man who

was also the same state as the boy.


this were obviously Gary and Bell

well bell tried to fight the soma

famillia which was abusing lili.


bell was mad and beated up those

three guys. but unlike canon

where bell and his friends defeat

soma famillia this time it was different

soma famillia has a trump card.


Meet Ogre a level 5 adventurer who loves

alcohol and woman. he also value

his reputation among his juniors.


and when he found out some random

kid beated up his juniors he was furious

he wanted to teach those brats a lesson

and also to show everyone not to mess

with soma famillia.


He hung bell and gary on the giant human statue

in the center of the city using chains he tied

there broken bodies. after doing that he

and his juniors celebrated as thier reputation



meanwhile some guy that Gary and Bell saved back

in the dungeon saw this happening and imediatly

inform kien and orikie.


outside the dungeon we can see orikie

and kien carrying two large back packs


"Were lucky today." orikie said.


kien only nodded in response.


just then a familliar girl cam running at

thier direction.


"Orikie-kun!! Gary and bell!! they.."




meanwhile at the mansion of cronous

siesta was seen working at something

she seemed busy her snowie white hair

was messy and her eyebags were noticeable

she seemed to not been sleeping for days.


just them she stood from her chair

and smiled brightly. "fina...lly"

showing on her desk it seems

like she have created her own




she said extremely proud of her work

the gun was a normal double barrel shotgun

with a white handle and a shining silver

body. (similar to siestas shotgun)


but actaully it was thanks to her

skill (inventor) that she got from death

that made it possible for her to

make a gun with limited knowledge.


in her pass life siesta's main weapon

was Guns. but when she was transmigrated

she was left no choice to use the sword

to kill monsters and level up.


but using her skill she finally manage

to replicate her old shotgun.


"hehehe with this i can finally

manage to go on a solo dungeon

dive!" siesta said while she jumped

on her and slept after 3 days.



Wow 10k views i never wrote this

much before.. thanks for reading this

Crappy grammar book of mine i

deeply appreciate it.








just one?? :3