Badass Adventure's

Aiz pov


I just arrived at orario city after

doing a mission in a nearby city

its been a few days since i left

i wonder what happened when

i was gone.


just then i saw him..

he was wearing a blue leather jacket

and he was riding a hybrid horse

hes hair was playing by the wind

and his skin was brownish but mascular.

it was kien..


i wonder where is he going?




Kien was travelling back to silagon city

this horse was faster than he thought

he should arrive there in two or three



its already getting dark and kien was

also getting sick of travelling whole day

so he decided to stop by at a nearby



"i wonder how the pack is doing..

its been almost six months." kien thought.


not long he saw a giant walls of Pegon

village. he remember stopping by here

with orikie and gary once.


it was the same as before children were

being force to work as slaves

thugs were everywhere the whole

streets were dirty and muddy.


he wanted to find an inn to rest for the night

he left hid horse on a barn and paid the owner

to watch over it.


he then walked to an inn that him and

gary stayed before. he entered the building

as the reciptiones greeted him with a smile


"one room" as he reached for his pockets.


"that would be 2 gold or 200valis." the woman



Just then kien realized that hes wallet is gone

he put all his money there. it has at least half

a million valis.


"Shit someone robbed me.." Kien dashed outside

recalling hes steps.


Someone Stole Hes Wallet It Must Be A Thief

That Has A Spell Like Gary [Steal].


(steal - can steal anything in 3 meters away.)


Meanwhile in a dark alley a little girl was talking with

three punks. she was wearing tattered clothes

she also had small black horns on her forehead

she has red dirty massy hair.


"That adventurer had allot of money!!"

She said.


"Your right..its at least 500k valis in here!"

the man yelled in excitement.


"well done freak.." his companion said.


"now let me go as we promised"

the little girl said.


"what? did i say anything about that?" the baldman

said by his looks he was the leader of this group.


"bu-" the little girl was cut when the skinny man kicked

her sending her flying to a corner. the little girl only

hugged her tummy in pain.


"listen here you little bitch you dont get to tell me what

to do!!" as he spit at her.


"hehe hey dont break her! she can be usefull"

the baldman said.


"Yeah when she grow up" the fatman said.


as the three smiled and began to laugh

like they heard a funny joke.


"Why wait when you can do it now?" the skinnyman



"skiny you sick fuck!! Hahaha." Baldman said.


"hey come here" He told the little girl.


The girl was still in pain but suddenly electricty

came and shocked her. revealing a slave collar

on her neck.


"hehe you better hurry." the skinny man said.


the little girl was left no choice but dragged

her body towards the skinny man.


"kikiki" the skinny man laughed.


"Damn it.. why is fate so cruel to us?".

the little girl thought.


"If only this humans dind mom would

still be alive...they hunted us down.. make

trohphy of our heads made Armor off our

skin and bones..and hunt us for sports..

IF ONLY THEY DIE!" she thought.


This little girl was not just an ordinary

demi human this little girl is actually

a dragon.


before she was living with her mother

a greater dragon. the mountain they

were staying. was raided by dragon slayers.


her mother sacrificed her self to save her

she used all her magic to activate her

daugters special ability. she gave her a

human form.


Dragons are devided into 4 tiers

acording to thier power.

Lesser Dragon - A beast that only knows

how to breed and hunt.


Mid Dragon - A smart dragon that can

easily destroy a village its also tamable.


Greater Dragon - A powerful dragon it has

a set of powerful abilities like shapeshifting

it can easily destroy a city.


Royal Dragon - One of the most powerfull dragon

that exist that even level 10 warriors cannot defeat

it once destroyed a powerfull famillia.


Since human developed fast the dragons were

knocked off the top of the food chain. they

once ruled the world but after the whiteknight

slayed the dragon king the left dragons were

destine to go extinct.


(your probably wondering whos this Whiteknight?)


(well hes a national hero in this world people

worship him a level 12 warrior. and a member

of titan famillia the strongest famillia on the



The last Royal Dragon Already Turned His Back

On His Kin Leaving Them To Go Extinct

There were more than thousand lesser dragon

left in this world and a handfull Mid dragons left

with most of them are tamed by humans.


The greater dragons were almost gone by now

with only less than ten left on the planet.

the Royal Dragon Veldora has the power to stop

this but he choose not to.


hes not scared of humans.. he even destroyed

Zeus and Argus a top famillias in the continent.

Royal dragon was suppose to lead and protect

them but he instead left them.


"hehehe" the skinny man said as he pulled

out his little sausage.


"Skinny you sick bastard!" Fatman said.


just as the three thugs were having fun

something jumped down from the sky.

it was a humanoid figure they cant see it

cleary beacause the sun was out.


the only thing they see is the silver blade

hes holding and his glowing red eyes.


"the fuck?!" Baldman said.




sorry about this chapter being cruel i wanted

to make the world cruel for kiens and others
