loli dragon part 2

the little girl finally had enough and stood up

having enough of kiens accusations

she wanted to prove him wrong.

"fine then! ill show you!" she said

with a pouty face she stood up and walked

to the door. not long after kien followed her.


"its okay i wont judge you." kien said.

this just made the little dragon more angry


"Hgrr.. ill show you!" she said as she

continue walking.




after a couple of minutes of walking they finally

manage to find a place where nobody was watching

they were outside the village to make sure nobody

see them.


"stand back." the loli dragon said.


complying kien went 10 meters away and watched

her from afar. seeing kien backed away she closed

her eyes and tried to imagine her dragon form.


few moments later nothing happen.. she opened

her eyes and saw kien with a mocking face.

this only pissed her further.


" much for a dragon." kien said from

a far.


"Grrr..." the loli dragon was mad and embarrased.

she hated the feeling to get looked down on

a feeling she endured for years.


she swore that if she regain her dragon form she will

burn the whole village down.

she kill everybody that ever looked down

on her and mistreated her.


she always thought its beacause of the slave

collar or the lack of food nutrients that was

preventing her to regain her original form.


but now here she is in full condition

with no slave collar and full tummy

yet she still cant transform back.


just then her anger piled up then she started

to feel a familliar feeling its like something

was moving in her body.


her whole body began to glow and moments

later that glow faded away little by little.

revealing a dragon with sharp teeth claws

it truly looked like a majestic creature.


"..." (so she was not lying after all.) kien

thought. at this moment kien can only think

of recruiting her to her group for more power

to destroy soma famillia and other future enemies.


ROOOOOAARR! the red dragon roared it was at least

tall 10 foot and has a really intemidating apperance

she then leaped to the sky confusing kien.


she then flapped her wings and flew to the village

at this moment she can only think of one thing.

destroy and kill the people who abused her.


BSSSSSSSS* sounds of screams and fire. destruction

filled the village the fire she was releasing was destroying

and burning everything touched.


they were no exeption children woman man at this moment

she was in full beserker mode killing everything in its



"so she was holding a grudge" kien was not surprise

by this action he would have done the same thing.

just then kien leaped into the air landing in the middle

of the village. picking up children one by one untill

he saved all of them.




20 minutes later the whole village was in ruins and the dragon

was already gone almost all the villagers were dead but most

of the children survived thanks to kien.


kien leaved the children to an elder couple that promised

good care of them. kien then went to track the dragon girl

he wanted her to join his team.


in the forest he saw the grass were in a unatural position

as if a giant creature past by them. kien followed the path

of trees which lead into a giant water fall where he saw her

laying on the center of the waterfall.


"Found you." kien said. attracting the attention of the dragon.

the dragon turned her head and looked at kien.


"its you..human" she said telepathically.


"its kien" he replied.


"why did you follow me? you already done me enough help."

she replied.


"well dont you think you need to return my help?" kien said.


being silent for a second the dragon thinked.

"what do you want?" she asked.


"i want you to be my familiar." kien said.

the dragon girl was silent. she seems

to be thinking about it.


"based on my observations everytime you use your dragon

form its mana consuming and eventually youll return to your

human form or youll be a mini dragon no larger than my self.

kien said.


kien observed her when she was burning the village everytime

she used her dragon breath her size would reduce so he

figured that it was mana consuming to transform into her

original form.


"thats correct ive been in my human form so long that i

cant maintain my original form anymore" she said with a frown.


"i think you only need more mana. if you increase your mana

the longer time you have on your dragon form. and eventually

youll get the hang of your original form like before" kien explained.


"i see.. so all i have to do is to have more mana." she said


"and i can help you with that if you agree to be my familliar."

kien explained.


the dragon was silent agreeing to be his familliar would

be similar to putting a slave collar on her neck again.

but she needed to get stronger to avenge her mother

and getting her original form was hee first step

kien also saw the doubt in her eyes.


"you dont have to worry i wont mistreat you like

those scums.' kien said.


the dragon seem to have made up her mind and looked at

kien. "i have three conditions" she said.


"go ahead" kien was willing to give her conditions.


"first i want you to help me improve my mana and

my battle capacity in short i want you to help

me get stronger."


'second i want you to help me destroy dragon slayer guild."


"and third i want to have my own will to do whatever i want

and if i dont wanna follow your orders that means no."


the first and third were easy but the second can be a

problem in the future. Dragon slayer guild is one of the

strongest organization in the continent with a level 11

warrior as thier leader.


but kien also felt bad for the dragons imagine your race is

at the brink of extinction beacause of some organization

using your body parts as products and make profit for you

so you can say he has symphaty for dragons.


(if i become a level 10 in the future i would be able

to challenge dragon slayer guild and im sure a level 10 orikie

would gladly lend me an hand.)


"acceptable" said kien as the two of them looked at eachother

the next step is to make a binding familliar ritual that will bind

them forever unless one of them break a promise to the other.


