This Is Fallout! Not Bleach!



Pain surged through my body like a million tiny needles stabbing into my skin as I floated through an infinite darkness and a suffocating pressure weighed down on my chest. I struggled to breath but, there was a thin layer of resistance stopping me from moving. I fought against it and with a massive gasp I jolted awake rolling out of bed and falling to the floor.

"Ouch" I groaned in pain and peeled my face off of the rough wood floor and wiped the sweat from my brow.

My mind was hazy as I tried to process exactly where I was.

Looking around I saw that I was in a run down room filled with old medical equipment and broken furniture. Dusting myself off I got off the floor and sat back down on the bare mattress I'd just rolled out of.

Feeling the course fabric against my legs I noticed I was wear nothing but, my underwear and felt how chilly the room was.

The cold jumpstarted my tired brain and I finally realized the horror of my situation. I had just woken up half naked in a strange room with absolutely no idea where I was or how I got there.

My mind raced through a million different explanations for what was going on and none of them were good.

I was on the edge of having a panic attack when a raspy voice startled me.

"Your finally awake, eh? How 'bout that, perfect timing if I've ever seen it."

My heart nearly jumped out of my chest as I turned and saw an elderly man standing in the doorway of the room with a clipboard in his hand.

My eyes darted around the room looking for anything I could use as a weapon and nearly rushed him barehanded when I saw there was nothing close enough to grab.

"Whoa, there friend" the old man motioned spreading his hands and indicating that he wasn't a threat. "No need to panic I'm a doctor and you've been out cold here in my care since yesterday evening. So why don't you relax a second, so I can explain to you what's going on."

I gulped and took a deep breath figuring I'd trust the man, after all if he wanted to hurt me could have easily done it while I was asleep. But, now that I was calmed I noticed something strange about him.

He looked vaguely familiar but, I couldn't quite place where I knew him from.

The man must have seen my confusion because he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Just take it slow" he said "You've just woken up and probably need a bit of time to pull yourself together."

I nodded not having any better ideas and sat back in the bed and took a couple deep breaths.

"So where exactly is this" I eventually asked "And why was I unconscious?"

"Well" the man said as he walked over to the bed on the opposite side of the room where another person laid with their face covered in bandages and started examining them as he spoke. "You're in the town of Goodsprings about 40 miles out from New Vegas. One of our townspeople a nice girl named Sunny Smiles found you passed out from dehydration on a path just outside of town."

'...Well crap' I stilled as a wave of uncertainty washed over me.

Had I somehow transmigrated into Fallout: New Vegas? But, how the hell was something like that even possible!? I wanted to scream that this was some kind of joke and that the old man was just pranking me but, somehow deep inside I knew this was real.

I forced myself to not to hyperventilate as Doc turned his attention away from me and worked on the other patient laying opposite me, which was another thing that didn't make any sense. In the game the player character was all alone with Doc when they woke up here so who was that other person?

I wasn't an idiot and slowly started putting the pieces together in my head and a growing sense of dread filled my stomach. The Doc said I was found dehydrated by Sunny just outside of town not shot in the head. Which would mean...

I glanced at the bandages covering the other persons face and knew the truth.

I wasn't the Courier.

Which I was a bit conflicted about. Normally in situations like this the 'transmigrator' takes over the role as the main character and gets some kind of awesome system that lets them sweep through the world. But, if I wasn't the Courier did that mean I was just going to be a regular person in this world?

That thought terrified me because if I was just a regular person here how was I going to protect myself from the hordes of nightmare creatures and psychopaths that I knew for a fact existed here? Just the thought of being torn apart by a pack of ravenous Deathclaws made me want to wet my pants and even that was probably me overestimating myself. I'd be lucky to get killed a Deathclaw knowing me I'd probably get taken out by the first Gecko or Radroach to cross my path.

Still... it wasn't all bad I guessed.

If I wasn't the Courier it meant that I didn't have to go out and personally decide the fate of the Mojave or make all those complicated ethical decisions. I could just leave that to the real Courier and relax here in Goodsprings, maybe get a job tending Bighorn or become a writer and steal some inspiration from famous works in my last life and give the people of this world some entertainment.

God knows they needed it, there's only so many times a person can listen to 'Big Iron' before they go crazy.

All of that aside there was still one thing I was curious about.

Who exactly was the Courier?

In the game they were just the player character but, here in this world they were a real person who probably had their own thoughts, dreams, and past. And I was eager to know what kind of person they really were now that this was a real world. And as Doc Michael started to cut away the bandages covering their face I was on the edge of my seat.

The bandages slowly came off revealing the face of a beautiful woman with chocolate brown skin and long purple hair.

'THE FUCK' I mentally screamed after seeing another familiar face!

Only this time it was the face of a person who ABSOLUTELY should not be here! I recognized her in an instant it was Yoruichi Shihouin from Bleach! But, how the hell could she be here she was from a completely different franchise!? Unless she was somehow reborn here too? But, what were the chances of something like that happening?

The only other explanation I could think of was...

'Crap' I thought as the memories of what exactly I was doing before I woke here flooded back to me.

I had just gotten a new computer and was ready to start gaming on it. But, I was a bit broke after getting it and couldn't get any new games so I decided to replay some of my old favorites. I booted up my copy of Fallout 4 and started looking through Mods to see if I could find anything interesting.

And to my delight I found a new Mod that had just come out that completely recreated New Vegas in the Fallout 4 game engine. Which was awesome since New Vegas was by far the best Fallout game and I was excited to do another playthrough of the game with the improved graphics of Fallout 4. Of course I didn't stop there I also downloaded a bunch of small quality of life Mods including a Mod that made the player character look like Yoruichi from Bleach which I downloaded because of... reasons.

After downloading everything I finally started a new game... and then... then.. then there was a bright flash of light! And next thing I knew I woke up here!

After realizing what most likely happened, I paled as the thought that all the Mods had somehow followed me here. I quickly went over everything I downloaded before all this happened. And only calmed down once I remembered that aside from the obvious Yoruichi Mod and couple lighting and weather overhauls the only other Mods I had dealt with the crafting and settlement system and were pretty tame as far as Mods were concerned.

Which was a good thing since I didn't want to have to deal with any Randy Savage Deathclaws screaming "Yeeaaaah" at the top of their lungs or evil Thomas the Tanks Engines raining from the sky.

Shaking those nightmarish thoughts from my head I focused my attention back on Yoruichi who was starting to toss and turn slightly after Doc injected her with a mysterious syringe and seemed like she might wake up any moment.

Now that I thought about it this probably wasn't a bad thing because if this Yoruichi was even 1% as badass as the original then she wouldn't have any problems cleaning up the wastes.

"Ugh" she groaned with a pained look on her face as she slowly came too and rubbed her forehead.

"Easy, there girl" Doc said moving her hand away "You've been through a lot and need to rest."

'He really needs to get some more diversity in his bedside manner' I idly thought while watching Yoruichi come to.

"Wha-where am I" she stuttered and sat up letting the blanked that covered her fall away.

I blushed as the ratty white t-shirt she wore seemed a little too tight and clung tightly to her pair of sizable 'assets' and even worse was the fact that I could just barely make out two small nubs poking out from her shirt.

'Just as big as in the mod' I thought before turning away not wanting to be caught staring and labeled a pervert.

"You're in my house in Goodsprings" Doc answered "You were hurt and have been healing here for the past week."

"I-I see" Yoruichi pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Before we get too into the nitty gritty how 'bout you tell me your name little miss" he smiled "You do have one of those don't you."

"It's... Yoruichi, Yoruichi Shihouin" she slowly answered.

"Well, that's an interesting name" Doc laughed "I'm Doc Mitchell and I've never quite heard a name like yours before, is it Chinese?"

"I.. don't know" Yoruichi scrunched her eyes as she struggled to think.

"It's Japanese I think" I chimed in.

"Oh, shoot forgot you were there" Doc apologized "Guess my old age is catching up to me."

"You are" Yoruichi tilted her head and blinked at me with her piercing golden eyes?

'Cute' I screamed internally while trying not to blush.

I didn't notice before but, this Yoruichi looked quite a bit younger than her manga counterpart. Only looking like she was in her late teens similar to me as opposed to the her in Bleach who looked to be in her late twenties or early thirties and was easily several hundred years old.

"Ahem" I coughed completely failing at not blushing and gave my name "I'm Ethan."

Seeing my blush Doc raised an eyebrow and understanding dawned on Yoruichi's face before she smirked.

"What? You like what you see" she asked pressing her arms together highlighting he massive chest?

'Yep, she's Yoruichi alright' I thought as my face turned beet red.

"What's wrong cat got your tongue" she giggled?

Huffing I crossed my arms and turned my head deciding I wasn't going respond because I knew her character well enough to know that anything I said would only amuse her and encourage her to tease me more.

"Alright that's enough" Doc cut in "It's completely normal for a young man his age to be awkward around a pretty girl especially one as beautiful as you. "

"Awe thanks" Yoruichi smiled and took the compliment!

"I'm not awkward" I quietly grumbled.

"As for you" Doc turned to me "I'm sorry for not getting your name earlier I was just distracted by young miss Yoruichi over here. She got shot in the head and I had to perform a major surgery on her to get it out and was still a bit worried something would go wrong while removing the bandages."

"Don't worry about it" I waved him off.

"I was shot in the head" Yoruichi gasped!

"Yeah" Doc tapped his forehead "Right between the eyes. I had to go rooting around in your skull to pull out all the bits of lead. It was tough going but, I got everything out."

"Right on" Yoruichi shot him a thumbs up "So I'm all good now?"

"Should be" he rubbed his chin for a moment before snapping his fingers and grabbing a small hand mirror off the counter "Though there is one thing. I take pride in my needle work but, you better tell me if you see anything wrong."

"No thanks" Yoruichi refused the mirror before letting out a cheshire grin and winking at me "I don't need it because if his reaction is anything to go by I'm hot as hell!"

I blushed again and cursed but, silently agreed in my heart.

"Fair enough" Doc chuckled "You certainly are unique by the way" he added. "You're the first person I've ever met with naturally purple hair and golden eyes.

"What my hair is purple" her eyes went wide and she pulled a lock of hair down to examine it! "No way it is" she laughed before grabbing the mirror to check her eyes! "That's awesome!"

Doc frowned slightly but, quickly brushed it off "All right then, no sense in keeping you two in bed anymore let's see if we can get you up on your feet" he motioned for us to try and stand up.

The two of us easily got to our feet but, Doc made sure to be ready in case either of us fell.

And once again I had to force myself to keep my eyes up since aside from her t-shirt the only other thing Yoruichi was wearing were a revealing pair of panties that showed off her wide hips and long legs.

"Good, there doesn't seem to be any problems" Doc said while jotting something down on his clip board. "Why don't the two of you try walking over to the end of the room over there by the Vigor Tester."

"Sure" I replied still a bit distracted.

"What's a Vigor Tester" Yoruichi asked "It looks like some kind of game?"

"It is technically a carnival game but, I swear that the things has never gotten it wrong and is perfect for testing out a person's general health."

"Hmm" Yoruichi held a finger to her lips and pondered before letting out a mad grin and pushing me forward.

"Hey what's the big idea" I complained!

"I want you to go first so that when I blow your score out of the water it won't be as embarrassing for you."

"Screw you shorty" I shouted back in defiance since she was almost a foot shorter than me but, made my way over to the machine regardless as she blew a raspberry!

"Just grab ahold of the handle" Doc said "I know that doesn't seem very scientific but, that machine has never let me down."

"Okay" I responded slightly curious about what my score would be and gripped the handle hard giving it a good squeeze.

The next instant time seemed to freeze and a familiar green panel appeared in front of my face making me squeal like a little girl.

It was the Special Panel!

I did have a system!

I would have been dancing around like an idiot if I could move and I probably would still do that, just later... and in private. But, I put my excitement aside for now and focused because I was quite possibly about to make the most important decision of my life.

I saw that I had five points in each special which was kind of weird. It meant I had 35 total Special Points which was less than the 40 you normally get at the start of New Vegas but, still more than the 28 you got in Fallout 4. I wasn't really sure what to make of that so just put it aside for now while I picked my Special.

I thought about what I really needed if I wanted to survive in this world.

Did I need unparalleled strength?

Unmatched intelligence?

Great charisma?

Or godlike luck?

After thinking about for a bit I threw all those thoughts aside. In the game your goal was to complete all main quests and save the mojave but, that wasn't my goal. All I wanted to do was survive and not get eaten ghouls so with that in mind my choice was obvious.

I quickly distribute my stats and looked everything over to make sure I was comfortable with it.

Strength 5

Perception 5

Endurance 7

Charisma 5

Intelligence 5

Agility 5

Luck 3

It wasn't the most creative distribution of stats but, I didn't feel comfortable taking away points from anything except Luck in case I accidentally made myself an idiot or a cripple. Even with Luck I wasn't comfortable making it any lower than three since having my Luck be too low seemed like a really bad idea too.

As for Endurance I raised it up to 7 because as far as I could remember it was the stat that effected things like Poison and Radiation Resistance, Health Points, and Health Regen Speed as well as being the stat responsible for the perks that made you harder to kill.

Which was definitely what I wanted.

My thought process was that it didn't matter how strong I was if a single stray bullet could take me out. The only thing that mattered to me was survival because if I could stay alive then eventually with my systems help, I'd be able to turn myself into an unkillable monster.

So, after confirming my choice the Special panel disappeared and time resumed while the Vigor Tester flickered to life changing to reflect the stats I picked.

As that was happening, I also felt a strange warmth appear in my body starting from my chest and spreading out. It seeped into my muscles giving them a strange sense of tightness but, the mysterious sensation only lasted a couple moments before disappearing.

Clenching my fist I didn't immediately notice anything different about my body for now but, I guess I would just have to wait and see.

"Hmm, that's about an even a spread as I've ever seen" Doc hummed. "Aside from your high Endurance and low Luck you're completely average and healthy."

"Pfft" Yoruichi stifled a laugh and bumped me aside and walked up to the Vigor Tester with absolute confidence "Out of the way Mr. Average and let me show you how it's done."

Yoruichi grabbed a hold of the handle and the machine sprung to life once again.

Strength 8

Perception 8

Endurance 8

Charisma 10

Intelligence 8

Agility 10

Luck 8

"BULLSHIT" I screamed while Yoruichi looked back at me with the smuggest look I'd ever seen!

"Told you I'd blow your score out of the water" she puffed out her chest with her hands on her hips!

"Well, I'll be a monkeys uncle" Doc blinked in astonishment "And that's about the highest score I've ever seen that machine give. You sure you're human little miss?"

"Yep, I'm human alright" she grinned threw out a victory sign "I'm just stronger, smarter, faster, luckier, and sexier other people.

"I don't want to live on this planet anymore" I slumped over.

I mean how the hell were her stats that high! I know I definitely didn't have anything to do with that. Could it be that Yoruichi was just so awesome it somehow transcended dimensions and affected the version of her here?

"Awe, cheer up" she reached up and patted the top of my head "At least your still taller."

My eyebrow twitched at her condescending tone and I lunged at her.

"Too slow" she mocked and easily evaded me dodging around as I continued to chase after her.

"All right, that's enough flirting you two" Doc shook his head and stepped in before we broke something "If you two have this much energy I guess you're fit as fiddles but, there's still a couple things that need to be done." He turned to me "Ethan your healthy enough to leave for now but, just in case you should head up to the saloon to hydrate a bit more before you do anything else just tell Trudy I sent you and to put it on my tab and get a meal while you're at it too. Also I've left your stuff in a chest by the front door so you can just grab it go. Just try not to blow yourself up with all that firepower."

"What about me" Yoruichi piped up?

"You need to stay here with me a bit longer" he answered "Even though you seem fine physically we don't know if that bullet messed with anything in your brain yet. So before you go I wanna ask you a couple of questions just to get a know of where your heads at."

"Fair enough" she nodded.

"This part is kind of private" Doc turned to me "So I'd appreciate it if you head out now."

I nodded and made my way to the exit "Got it doctor patient confidentiality and all that."

"See you in a bit Ethan" Yoruichi waved goodbye and I awkwardly waved back before finally leaving the room.

Once in the hallway I saw a large crate next to the door and figured this was what Doc was talking about. Flipping it open I was surprised by the large amount of supplies in it but, the first thing that caught my eye was iconic Vault-Tec Pipboy that sat conspicuously on top.

My breathing deepened as I slowly reaching in and grabbed it.

Since I already knew I had a System there was a very good chance that the Pipboy would also function the same way it did in the game.

So, without further ado I carefully strapped it to my forearm and switched it on after fumbling around a bit for the power button.

The 8-bit screen flared to life and the Pipboy flashed me a thumbs up and the familiar display loaded in but, that wasn't what I was interested in at the moment.

Closing the chest I stepped back and placed my hand on it praying that this would work and to my absolute delight a small panel popped up in front of me listing out everything in the chest. Without missing a beat I mentally selected the "Take Everything" option and felt a strange tingling sensation pass through my hand. Once that was done I opened the chest up again and exactly as expected it was completely empty now!

I grinned and clenched my fist.

This was amazing! I basically had my own pocket dimension!

Opening up the Pipboy to look through all the supplies I just took to see what I had. And after a moment of scrolling through the menus I realized that all the stuff in my inventory was from the Courier's Stash add-on!

Which was full of a ton of extremely useful supplies!

So, after going over everything in my head I made a quick list of everything I had.


Sturdy Caravan Shotgun

20 Gauge Shotgun Shells x40

Weathered 10mm Pistol

10mm Rounds x50

Mercenary's Grenade Rifle

40mm Grenade x20

Broad Machete

Throwing Spears x10


Lightweight Leather Armor

Lightweight Metal Armor

Armored Vault 13 Jumpsuit

Tribal Raiding Armor

Modular Military Backpack


Weapon Repair Kits x4

Stimpak x5

Super Stimpak x3

Doctor's Bag x3



Vault 13 Canteen

Bleak Venom x5

Definitely, not bad.

I still wasn't sure yet, if I wanted to get involved with the main plot but, either way this was a solid start to my new life here in the Mojave Wasteland.

Scrolling through my Pipboy I equipped the Lightweight Leather Armor which magically materialized onto me appearing as a pair of black shirt and pants that was covered in hardened leather armor and several small pouches. Next, I equipped the 10mm Pistol which appeared in a holster on my hip. And finally, I equipped the Military Backpack which was an item from the Fallout 4 Creation Store. I guess that even though this was New Vegas some aspects of my Fallout 4 game made it here too.

Not that I was complaining since the Backpack was exactly what I needed right now.

Not only did it increase my Carry Weight by +45 it also was the perfect cover for my Inventory! After all it would be pretty suspicious if all my stuff disappeared from the chest and I was walking around without any of it. Not to mention it also came with a sleeping bag!

Now that I was finally ready, I reached for the door and took my first steps into the Mojave Wasteland.