Gathering of the Races

With the start of the Battle of Might, all species and races living in the Nar realm proceeded to the battle arenas. The battle arenas were situated in the Central-North of the Nar realm, in the Eternal Mountains close to the region of the sacred serpent valley of lord Tarke.

Perhaps it was because the arena was so close to the only sacred valley in the entire Nar realm that other species and races could not manipulate or interfere in the battles taking place in the rings.

Once the participants for the battles were decided, invisible shields that existed since the beginning of the realm itself, came down and repelled any outside forces that tried to interfere in the exchange. They also prevented any inside force from spreading to the outside audience.

As such, the battles in the arenas were also used as a tool to seek vengeance for old grievances since any creature inside the arena could kill another creature as long as they had the ability to do so.

As a realm without sun and moon, the passage of time in the Nar realm was calculated by the heat of the blazing flames. The temperature in the realm was unbearably high during the day, while it was below freezing during the nights.

Sometimes going so low as to be able to freeze the fire-born creatures into ice statues and lead them to their deaths in their spots.

This was one of the leading causes of the Battles of Wars. Such harsh living conditions were only survivable with suitable living environments that the right to possess were earned by obtaining victories in the Battles of Wars and the inclusion of the clan's rank among the top.

And without doubt, the six supreme clans held possession of the top quality supreme living abodes in the Nar realm.

Some, like the werewolves Underworld Palace, were specifically crafted by the ancestors of the races. But if they lacked the strength to safeguard the abode, they could be brutally snatched by the other races.

At this moment in the Eternal Mountains plains, a group of yellow minotaurs' with flaming tails dashed into view, their animal limbs skidding on the lava hardened rocks as they came to a sudden stop.

"The instant the temperature warmed, we went on the road. Now, we are the first ones to appear here." The leader of the group, the minotaur proxy ruler roughly growled.

The minotaur species were one among many that were not within the high rankings of power, hence, they could not have their own king or queen and their leader was addressed as proxy ruler, ruling on behalf of the clan they owed their servitude to.

The race could also not be called a clan and were addressed only as a group, because of their lack of a proper head.

Immediately after the minotaur group arrived the elven group, their blue skin and thin stature seemed completely out of place with their environment.

Then it was the red-eye dwarf group with green skin and red eyes, their short height making them appear as if they were kids playing with adults.

Soon, the dull merfolk' tribe appeared on a raging river of flames with their dull red hair swimming above their heads. These species were not even considered as groups since they could do nothing outside the raging rivers, so their status was even lower than the groups, their leaders addressed only as sires.

"Another battle begins again. Our race has no chance of rising, but we must not fall lower than we already have." The Mer Sire hissed with clenched fists, his eyes filled with fierce resolve.

The dark sirens' tribe followed after them on wailing flame dolphins, their gray skin portraying them as clay figurines.

The brown selkies tribe soon made their appearances on smoky sea whales, both their appearance and personality dull.

Followed by the Iirifey, whose glittering gold skin and enchanting dull red-gold eyes made them a target of all the races' desires.

Because of this reason, they neither had proper titles among the races and nor were shunned. They became the perfect target for breeding with all the races.

Behind the Iirifey, a group of gorgons entered, their snake hairs hissing as they walked past the other groups and tribes disdainfully.

The satyrs and dinymphs, minpixies and ogres, shapeshifting uniman and peguman, imps and succubus, and all other minor and major races appeared one after the other.

"What a lovely scene."

With the entrance of this voice, all the surrounding creatures went silent. No one dared to turn their head in fear of attracting the demon's attention onto themselves.

"What, no comment?" The demon continued in a lovely voice, her sensuous figure clad in red tensing the nerves of the crowd even more.

"I do not think that they are interested in talking to you. So, why don't you just keep quiet, huh?" An annoyed voice chimed in, causing the groups and tribes closest to its owner to curse their ill-luck as they kept still.

Their figures slightly trembled, fists clenched and teeth gritted with fear as sweat broke out on their faces while they silently stood in place.

"Is this the start of the Battle of Wars or your arguments?" A big man with dark features and clothes remarked with confusion as he glanced between the man and woman before him. He could not figure out the reason why the two always seemed ready to rip each other's throats out but never did.

There were even times where he felt that the hatred and disgust they displayed before the other clans were just an act to mislead them.

But why they would go to such lengths to do that, was something he could not figure out.

As the three were conversing, they failed to notice the discomfort and pain on the faces of the groups and tribes. But even if they did, they would not care. The suffering of such lowly creatures meant little to them.

In fact, seeing them shivering and trembling in pain from just seeing their faces would fill their hearts with delight.

These three individuals were respectively the queen of the demon clan, the king of the devil clan, and the king of the flying eagle clan. Of the six supreme races, they were the first to arrive with their participants.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let us go unseal those gates." The demon moved in front of the blazing steel gates.

The other two walked leisurely through the trembling crowd and stood on her right and left, facing the ginormous arena gates that were sealed with magic.

Only the combined magic of the six supreme clans could unseal the gates.

As per the rules, the first three to arrive first would unseal the doors while the last three would activate the shielding spells.

Getting into a triangular formation, the eagle, demon, and devil poured their core magic into the three crystal slots in triangular formation on the center top and bottom left and right of the gate.

Instantly, the ancient gates loudly groaned before swinging open, rising flame specks of dust into the air.

"The gates are now open!" The three leaders declared in a thunderous voice.

This marked the start of the first Battle of Wars, the Battle of Might.