
Luke saw his control over his mind slipping through his fingers like the lavas flowing from the volcanos into the cracks of the land.

Since he was so desperate to keep the two apart then there was certainly a good reason behind it. Suppressing his emotions, he collected his thoughts as he focused his attention back on the five clan leaders before him.

"Werewolf king, watch your tongue. Is it not in the interest of the Bloodsucking race and the other races in the Nar realm if I do not wish to see the outcome of a werewolf and serpentine mating? After all, in the entire history of the realm, such a bond had never formed before.

Moreover, the werewolf clan already carries bloodline from two sacred races in their veins. If another sacred race bloodline is added to the mix, who can guarantee that nothing drastic will happen? This is also a matter that concerns and applies to the survival of the other races as well.