The Void

Versailles stood alone on the edge of a black cliff, overlooking a deep flaming ravine. Black liquid flames occasionally surged towards the black sky, stretching their slithery fingers into its black embrace.

Creasing her brows in confusion, her eyes roamed over the strange place, as she tried to make sense of her situation.

The last thing she remembered was tendrils of tentacles reaching out towards her soul before they were wiped out by a bright light. The next second, her vision went black and she found herself here.

"Hehehehe, you are here."

Versailles jumped at the sudden appearance of the same sickly sweet voice, only this time, it was not in her mind but, resounding from the black void.

"Who is it? Show yourself?" Changing into her serpentine form, Versailles violet-gold eyes vigilantly scanned the area.

"Hehehehe, I have been waiting for you. Come. Come to me."