Disclosing the Truth

Versailles sent Ramose off with her shimmering violet orbs. Raising her hand, she touched her forehead, the place he kissed. Cheeks flaming, she turned to leave.

"Hahahaha, this is definitely a sight worth seeing. Are you blushing now, Versailles? Since when did our hot-tempered serpentine begin blushing?" Queen Nakee walked over, surprised to catch the scene of her serious friend blushing.

This was a matter she had never anticipated of ever seeing before. Now that a day came where she did, how could she let go of the opportunity to tease her?

Excitedly thrilled, she swiftly slithered to her side and pulled on her flaming cheeks.

"Look at this! Our Versailles is getting shy!" Beckoning to the other serpentines, she got her encircled, taking turns with the others to tease.

"Oh? Old gray, have you ever seen our golden serpentine blush before?"

"Nope, at least not in any of our encounters."

"You're kidding, right? This is truly the first time our serpentine blushed?"