The Mates of His Pack

Versailles watched in fascination as schools of radiant fishes and tiny sea creatures only found in the six realms floated on the surface of the clear silver stream. The red cement floor was clean and spotless, speckles of orange-yellow petals not normally found in the realm, adding a flavor to the bridge-like ramp that led to the purple gates.

Stone statues of guarding beasts stood on either side of the palace gates, giving a solemn and imposing aura to the place.

"It is a good thing that only the werewolves and their mates can enter the Underworld Palace. Otherwise, if the other five clans came to know about the Werewolf Clan's luxurious life, then their peace would be shattered forever. Until they wiped out the Werewolf Clan, they wouldn't be able to rest in peace." Versailles remarked emphatically.

Seeing this sight, she herself felt a sting of displeasure for the werewolves that enjoyed such a comfortable life.