[Bonus chapter] Home Final

Luciana paled when she heard the finality in the Serpentine Queen's voice. At this moment, even someone as stubborn and willful as her sensed the impossibility of her wish.

As long as the Serpentine Queen was alive, she'd never allow her to remain by the Werewolf King's side.

While she wallowed in despair, the Master Wolf was trembling in shock.

Banned from the Crimson Palace?

She would ban him, Master Ouyang, the wolf that trained and raised the Werewolf King, from the Crimson Palace?

How audacious!

"Ramose, Ramose...do you hear what this serpentine is saying? She's threatening to ban me from the Crimson Palace!" The brown wolf turned to the Werewolf King for support only to find the beast dazedly holding his cheek as he absentmindedly stared at the Serpentine Queen.

The flaming Nar! The Werewolf King wasn't in his senses. He was ensnared and polluted by the venom of the serpentine. How was he going to support him?