Let's Fight

I feel someone poke me and I wake up and it's Miya trying to wake me up.

"Class is over Jesse!" She smiled at me.

"Thanks for waking me Miya" I smiled and picked up my stuff.

My next few classes were people asking me questions and asking if they could touch my ears and tail. I was getting annoyed with all these questions so I just took naps through my classes so no one would bother me.

It was finally lunch time and I went to the football field to see nearly the whole football team and some cheerleaders waiting for me. Gabril was in the middle of them.

"I'm not here to fight the football team Gabriel, I'm here to fight you." I put down my bag and loosen my tie.

"Why are you scared?" He said with a cocky smile.

"No, not at all gabe, just disappointed that you couldn't face me like a man." I can see more people coming over to see the fight. I can see that Gabriel is getting heated.

"I'm gonna kick your ass," he said while walking towards me.

"Then do it! I'll give you the first punch." I put my hands behind my back.

He came at me with pure hatred and force but way too clumsy to hit me. I dodged his punch letting him almost trip on his feet.

"If you're gonna punch someone do it with accuracy and have a percise target." I can hear people yelling and getting hyped.

He came at me again but this time I didn't move out of the way. I wanted him to hit me so I could hit him back. I have been too kind to him for too long. We are no longer in kindergarten playing hopscotch.

I feel a quick pain in my left cheek. I let my hands free from my back.

"My turn, get ready." I said with a smile on my face.