The Richman (Book 2) - Find Out

In the kitchen, Leah was still looking at her bio and saw Shanon Clark. From the photo, she looked so cute with long black hair. Her smile is also so attractive and she has pure eyes.

Not only that, but Shanon also provided a social media link and Leah had a chance to see the social media owned by the young girl. She often flaunts herself singing while playing the piano, or sometimes the violin and other musical instruments. Things Leah couldn't do at all. Not only that, but Shanon is also one of the best graduates from a top university.

"How come?" Leah's brows furrowed.

"Honey, don't you want to get ready?" Ben asked a while later because without him realizing it, Leah had already spent almost an hour stalking who Shanon Clark was. The person she hadn't even met in person but was already so threatening to her.

"Oh yes." Leah nodded. She immediately put away her cellphone and walked to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready before going to the agency. She will be joining the surrogacy group meeting today that might meet her with one of the four prospective surrogacy mothers the agency chose for her.

Leah had just finished getting dressed when Ben came back into the room and met her. "Why did it take you longer than usual?" Ben asked softly as he looked into his wife's eyes. It wasn't usually Leah's acting weird like that. She was an agile woman, it was rare for Leah to take her long to prepare before going out with Ben.

Leah sighed deeply, "Sorry." She answered quietly as she lowered her face.

Ben grabbed Leah's face and looked at her deeply, "Are you nervous?" Ben asked, and Leah seemed to gulp, she blinked a few times, "Yeah." she answered honestly.

Ben kissed his wife's lips briefly, "Listen to me." He paused, his gaze still intently on his wife, making sure that Leah understood every sentence he was about to say, "We did choose this path, and agreed to take the first step. If you feel doubtful, we can take the step back at that second. Don't be afraid, we still can turn around anytime." Ben reassured Leah and the woman nodded.

"I understand," he answered, though in his heart the upheaval had become like a great thunderstorm, either continue or back off.

Ben smile wide, "Ok, get prepared. I'll wait for you downstairs." He kissed Leah's lips briefly before leaving her alone.

Leah seems to look at her smartphone and tried to dial some number. She wait for a moment before somebody picked the phone up.

"Hello," Leah spoke up.

"Good morning, can we help you?" Asked the receptionist on duty that morning over the phone.

"I'm Leah Anthony, today I plan to visit the surrogacy group," Leah said.

"Okay, I'll put you on the list. Would you like to meet some of your potential surrogacy mothers?" asked the receptionist. Leah was suddenly silent for a moment, she bit her fingernails, a sign she was very worried about hearing that.

"Mrs. Anthony ..." The receptionist called out to Leah. "Are you still connected?" She asked again.

"Oh yes," Leah answered, but the receptionist seemed to have misunderstood her answer.

"Fine, we'll arrange it for you. Thank you good morning." The receptionist ended the conversation between them and unsteadily Leah walked to the bathroom after placing her cell phone on the table. She became very frightened if she had to meet some of her potential surrogacy mothers.

In the bathroom, Leah actually spent a lot of time affirming herself not to worry too much about the process she was going through. This process will lead them to a new life where the presence of a baby's cry will make their happiness even more. She can also go to beautiful places as a complete family according to her version, father, mother, and son.

"This is what you want Leah, just step in the step and your husband is very supportive of you. He also loves you very much and you have agreed to stick together throughout the whole process, no matter how difficult it may be." Leah spoke to herself to make sure that this was her choice and she was right. really wanted the baby, and the only way was surrogacy. If she wants a biological child, where the child is a combination of her and her husband Ben, the only way is surrogacy.

In the end, Leah and Ben got out of the house and drove Ben's car together to the building where the Agency was based and held meetings as usual.

Ben turned his gaze to Leah, "Are you ok?" He asked.

"I'm totally fine," Leah answered and give a fake smile to her husband, although his chest seemed to be filled with a voice that made her even more confused.