The Richman - Brother and Sister

"Mss. Dimitry, Prince Robert wants you to meet him in his room." Marcus said after he knocked on the door and poked half of it out from behind the door.

"Thanks Marcus." Ella got up from her seat and walked towards the door, Ella tried to keep up with Marcus and asked the man.

"Why did Prince Robert want to see me so late?" Ella asked couriously.

"Ask him directly." Marcus replied, the man chose to turn at the end of the hall and forced Ella to knock on Robert's door herself.

Knock Knock

Ella glanced around and made sure no one saw her enter Prince Robert's room this late, but that was impossible, even in this palace, walls had ears.

"Come in." A male voice came from inside the room.

"Your highness, you called me?" Ella asked nervously once she was inside Prince Robert's room.

"Yes, have a seat please," Prince Robert asked. "Have you set up my appointment with Clara Benedict?" asked Robert again.