The Richman - Worrying About You

Oliver banged on the door violently hoping to pose a threat to anyone in the room. He could no longer control his emotions when it came to Sheina and it made Nick provoked to get angry. He immediately picked up the baseball bat and prepared to hit anyone who was in the doorway. But Sheina jumps up and blocks Nick from punching Oliver in the face if the big man opens the door.

"It's ok Nick, I'll open the door." Sheina convinces Nick to open the door for Oliver.

"He's going to shoot us all dead isn't he?" Nick protested loudly. 

Sheina shook her head, "I know Oliver is not like that. I swear, if he shoots, then I am the first to die in his hands." Sheina convinces Nick once again. Nick became angry, he was silent while looking at dereck and Malla to ask for the approval of his friends. Malla nodded softly while Dereck shrugged her shoulders.