Today is the day Ketty and Ben's wedding took place. Oliver was present at their wedding and stood next to Sheina holding the girl's hand. Why she is currently so close to Sheina is not without reason.
Six months ago when Sheina and Oliver came to the home of one of her clients, Vely Morone, and tried to free her from her husband's violence, Oliver was hit by two bullets from a revolver in Ludwig Morone's hand. The police arrive and can ambush Ludwig who instead of running away but instead goes into the room and locks himself in fear, while Vely and Sheina try to help Oliver.
The man's life was on edge because the two bullets penetrated the chest close to the heart and tore off one of the vital muscles, causing heavy bleeding. Sheina hugged Oliver in her tears, "Stay with me, stay with me, please . . ." Her tears became the moment Oliver with his bloodied hands held Sheina's face and said "I love you." Before he closed his eyes slowly after being stung a few times.