Chapter 47: Is it hard?

Eve licked her lips again and again nervously. Her cheeks burned from embarrassment as she stood outside the curtained area, from where she could clearly hear the moans and hisses of the princess.

"My lord!" The girl screamed, loud enough to push through the thump of the music echoing through the hall.

Eve jumped, startled by the sound. She caught a few of the guests glancing in direction of the tent, most of their eyes trailing on her figure confusedly before shifting to more interesting things like the scantily clad girls who were dancing in the middle of the room, swaying their hips to the rhythm of the drum.

But a few curious eyes remained on the opening of the tent right behind her. Scattered across the hall, their eerie glowing eyes marked them apart from the humans. A shiver ran down her spine as she remembered Theo's words from earlier.