Chapter 80: Doesn't look much

It didn't take long for her to change into her spare clothes. The looks that she got on the way to her room were enough to hurry the process. One would think that after all this time being an outcast in her village, she would be immune to such things. But even that had its limits. 

Eve hurried through the corridor bustling with Walkers who were irritated that the day was fast arriving. Even though there was at least an hour before sunrise, the entire palace was hurrying in its preparation, drawing curtains for their lords and cleaning up the rooms that were dirtied overnight by the king and his party. 

Even as a dead girl's body was taken through their midst, the palace helps' eyes were on her, their lips curling in disgust as she passed by, their murmurs of accusation surrounding her from every direction. It was only as she slipped out of the web of corridors to the palace hall that she breathed.