Unlucky Spawn

Jin: please be a good character 3x

narrator: Jin opens his eye,or eye sockets to see what his new form was like

Jin: ok,jackets, shorts,hands,head,all what i expected but

Jin: what's this red circle on my chest?

Jin: wait if i remember correctly,

*thinks of a certain skeleton*

Jin: oh I'm killer,

Jin: wait isn't killer an evil sans-

Jin: pfsh I'm sure I'll be fine

Jin: now to make sure,lets uh

*does some stupid hand gesture*

Jin: ah there's the system,lets see if everything is here

Name: Jin

current au in: ???

Character: Killer!Sans

LV: 1 (20)



gaster blaster


soul manipulation

gravity manipulation


Jin: well i guess that's why my lv is 20,killer sans!

Jin: also what's this *more* button

narrator: as he touches the *more* button,all powers he requested showed up

Jin: i forgot about that,oops,i think i almost died looking at all that, didn't think he would actually do dis

???: well well well look what we have here?

*Jin looks towards where the voice came from and recognize this figure immediately*

killer sans: well if it isn't another me.

Jin: hey there uh, another me

killer sans: what's with that confused look?not like I'm gonna kill you or anything

killer sans pov: well I'll kill him before he gets to kill me, can't have another me around now right?

Jin: yeah so uh where am i?

killer sans: what? you don't know? this is nightmare's castle

Jin: oh so any exit around here?

killer sans: yeah just behind you and go through that wall

Jin: oh ok big thx

killer sans mind: now's my chances, die!

Jin: oh and is there any bathroom aro- woa!

*dodges like a total noob and falls to the ground quite pathetically*

killer sans: tsk,dodged that one huh?

killer sans: ya sure you're me? you dodged quite pathetically there.

Jin: now now calm down ik ur doin ur hobby but i just wanna know where the exit is.

killer: you're goin' nowhere till you bite the dust

dust somewhere: haCHOO , I don't think it's winter yet.

*some battle between killer and Jin somewhere*

killer: why aren't you attacking,scared?

Jin: well first of all idk how to summon attacks!

killer: i knew it, you're an imposter.

Jin: what now gonna eject me?

killer: what?

Jin: what?

Jin: nvm

Jin: I'll just escape and find an exit around here somewhere, hopefully, arividerci killer!

*finger gun killer sans as a way to say goodbye*

narrator: boom! and- wait i mean, ahem,a light blue beam instantly fires from Jin's finger and hits killer sans, paralyzing and immobilizing his every move making him stuck to the place

Jin: wait wat

killer: damn you, release me!