Being Watched (side stories)

Epic!Alphys: Mettaton,you should come see this!

Epic! Mettaton: what is it now Alphys, another anime making out scene you want me to look at? if so then-.

Epic! Alphys: n-no,we can save that for later, this one is urgent!

Epic! Mettaton: fine, what is it Doctor.

*after watching the footage*

Epic! Alphys: at first,there were no one around in snowdin forest,but then the camera went static for a second and then this guy who looked like Sans appeared outta nowhere an-and looked at the camera intensely for a few seconds and disappears.

Epic! Mettaton: this is strange indeed, I'll contact Lara to investigate him, Doctor Alphys,where is he now?

Epic! Alphys: he- he's heading towards waterfall, he's walking through snowdin currently,it looks like he's.. sightseeing...?

Epic! Mettaton: how about the citizens?

Epic! Alphys: the citizens are safe,the anomaly isn't attacking-,no,the anomaly doesn't even show any intentions of hurting anyone,it seems to be enjoying it's trip to waterfall.

Epic! Mettaton: we still don't know if he's dangerous or not, I'll let Lara know to look out for him in waterfall to investigate who he is.

Epic! Alphys: o- oh and Chara is getting chased by Muffet through waterfall,again.

Epic! Mettaton: sigh* I can't believe believe this is our future ambassador,send in Papyrus asap.

‹run! get out of here now!›


Epic! Mettaton: that idiot, what did he do now?

Epic! Alphys: Mettaton, it's the anomaly again! He's near camera section W04!

"Looks like they are near here,i need to hurry."

Epic! Mettaton: do you know what they mean, Doctor Alphys?

Epic! Alphys: n-no, I don't know what his objective is or who he's searching for.

Wait,is he aiming for prince Chara?!

"found them"

Epic! Alphys: they- they are..!




"I've a free 9999 gold if you're willing to take it!"




Epic! Alphys:what.

Epic! Mettaton: what.

Napstablook:um...Mettaton. Our patient is ready for his operation.

Epic! Mettaton: understood, Doctor Alphys, it's time.

Epic! Alphys: erm... I think I'll let you handle this for now, Mettaton.

Epic! Mettaton: why? your inner weeb wants you to watch some 2d female characters making out again?

Epic! Alphys: No! of course not!! it's just ... i have to wait for a call from you-know-who !

Epic! Mettaton:ah,right. Let's get to it, blooky

Epic! Alphys: sigh*,phone ring* eek!.



*shhh keep it down,bruh

›oh! sorry.

*guess what?

›uh what?

*you were right about the secret lab thingy.


›There really is one!?

*turn down your volume,bruh.

›oops- was there anything in there?

*yeah,i can only confirm your theory if i go even further.

›okay,if you need any help I can contact Captain Gerson and the guards for you if anything bad happens.

*don't need them,bruh.

*I can handle this myself.

*call ya later.

› but- *beep*

Epic! Alphys: Sans, what are you going to do if you meet him again?

*Alphys looks at a picture of Sans and Alphys together celebrating something*

Epic! Alphys: no, this is no time to be sad! I still have an anomaly to check out for.