Greatest Creation (side stories)

Cheater: alright, getting bored now.

*Gaster(Cheater) summons an epic blaster and blasted it towards Mettaton*

sfx: boom


*Mettaton was unscathed*

Cheater: Eh...?

*Mettaton beautifully dashed infront of Cheater, stomped the ground and flicked him to a nearby wall*

*the wall then got a hole in the shape of a heart because yes*

Cheater: OH MY GOD. He almost took all my health points with just ONE flick!

Mettaton: you better be ready for me darling~♥

because I'm about to give you. . .The MOST Fabulous BEATDOWN evurrr~!

Cheater: How astonishing, I never knew a robot could do something like. . .this. . .?

Mettaton: we know about their power, Dr. Gaster.

The ability to manipulate Time and Space.

Their determination. . .their ability to SAVE and LOAD.

Chester: we? as in...

Mettaton: WE, the new royal scientists~!

Cheater: ah, I'm assuming Sans told you about it.

Mettaton: no, it wasn't him.

it was "someone else"

woops! I said too much. My bad.♥

Cheater: someone else, you say?

if you already knew about it,then what's the point in stopping me?

I'm just gonna keep coming back until you can't fight any longer.

and when that times come, you're going to tell me WHO and WHERE is this "someone else".

Mettaton: Ahah! I don't think that's possible,darling.



*Dr. Sans' and Dr. Alphys' ultimate invention.

Cheater: wha- 999 DEF?!

That's preposterous!

Mettaton: we're going to fight here forever and ever.

unless you let go of that dial. *mwah*

*Mettaton kisses out a floating heart to Cheater that later explodes*

Cheater: (this robot's trouble, his defense is unimaginable!)

(well to be fair, he's got two obvious weak points.)

(his heart shaped core and his triangle eye.)

(I'll just need to hit one of those once, and it'll be all over for him, however...!)

(this is going to be back breaking.)

*Mettaton does a consecutive kick on Cheater*

Mettaton: you can't dodge forever, Dr. Gaster.

Cheater: !?

*Mettaton twirled around and smacked Cheater's face with his butt because yes*



Mettaton: 'time loop detected'.

I guess I did something that made you LOAD your file, huh?

Cheater: you miserable...!

Mettaton: even if you like like them.

*takes off glasses*

I won't show any mercy.~

[meanwhile at the lab]

*Alphys and blooky is watching the from from the cameras*

blooky: Mettaton... Frisk...!

Alphys: (sans,I hope you're watching this.)

(our creation is shining like a superstar!)

(this is our last turn.)

(Mettaton, you always talk about how much you hate Frisk.)

(how they're always so kind and merciful to everyone.)

(and yet, you still accepted them as your friend.)

(you said you were having so much trouble to show how much you cared for them back then.)

(but now, with the help of that body, it lets your real feelings to be free without your stubbornness holding you back.)

(you can see it can't you, Frisk?)



(His Dazzling Affection!)

Mettaton: Is that all you've got!?

I'm still kicking!

*big explosion*

*Mettaton knees Cheater*




Cheater: (I need an opening!)

*Mettaton makes his pose behind you.

looks behind*

Mettaton: where do you think you're going?~

*kicked from above*



*kicked to the waist*



*yeeted too high and fell head first*


Cheater: (how irritating)


Cheater: (this piece of metal...!)







Cheater: everytime you kill me, my determination gets stronger.

Mettaton: oh jeez, I didn't expect you to be this much stubborn.

In the meantime why don't you just give it a break-



*but it refused



Mettaton: *backs away* you just tried to do something didn't you,Dr. Gaster.

Cheater: ( even after all that )

Mettaton: (it's good that I remembered about the touching part he told me, who knows what might've happened to me)

Cheater: then I just need to use my unfair methods then.

Mettaton: unfair methods...?

*pulls out Alphys from his hat*

Mettaton: Alphys?!

Alphys: Mettaton?!

Cheater: oh, so you two know each other?

*Cheater summons 3 sharp bones above Alphys that are ready to pummel down on her*

Alphys: eek!


Mettaton: No Please, Not Her!

*the bones shoots but misses because someone saved Alphys right in time*

Mettaton and Cheater: !?

Alphys: Undyne...?

Undyne: sorry I'm late. oh you poor thing.

you must be so scared...shh it's okay, it's okay, I'm here for you...

Cheater: what!? you're not supposed to be here! This CAN'T be happening...!

*Papyrus dashes in before Gaster can do anything*

Papyrus: Do Not. Move.