Girl Talk and Monster Swarm

Mew: hello, Muffin~💜

Muffet: what do you want now?

are you seeking for attention again?

Mew: oh goodness. of course not.

I just wanna talk to you, that's all!

Besides, it's been awhile since I've had a decent conversation with my bestie.

*Muffet slashes Mew's neck off, it falls on the ground*

Muffet: Don't screw with me. I don't have time to deal with you right now. SCRAM!

Mew: aw come on~ can you hear me out for just a few minutes? pretty please~?

Muffet: NO.

*Mew takes back her head and attached it back*

Mew: I'm sure you'd love to talk about your favorite Dreemurr.

Muffet: ... Mama Tori?

Mew: that's right~

Lets us take this to a whole new level, shall we?

*Jin leaves after watching Mew and Muffet disappears*

Mew: After roaming around milky way for millennials, my mind starts to wonder.

is it really true that there are others like us outside of our universe?

Yes, I'm talking about parallel universe, alternate, multiverse, whatever you wanna call it.

As I race to the next nebula with the stars.

They started to scatter across the celestial sphere, and formed some kind of vision.

There, I caught scraps of the future.

it's like those stars are trying to show me something out of the ordinary.

I was so astonished to bear witness of something that will certainly pull out my curiosity.

I saw two strange men kneeling infront of our one and only... Queen Toriel.

And oh boy, she does not look, at all.

Muffet: yikes, someone's in big trouble. That's a pretty rare expression coming from her.

Mew: looks like those two gentleman made her mad for some reason.

whatever they did, she absolutely hates it. *Mew chuckles*

But wait, there's more!

There are also strange looking people who looks like Sans, Papyrus, and you!

*Mew summons stars that shows six people, a spider lady,a robot, a fish lady, two skeletons, and a yellow lizard with lab coats*

Or in other words, Doppelgangers!

Muffet: oh dear...

Mew: but the strangest one I received is this, he looks like Sans but with his eye socket coming out with black goo things... well whatever that is.

the thing is, he didn't came from any timelines or any universes, yet here he is.

Muffet: wait, I know him!

Mew: you do?

Muffet: yeah, he bought a chocolate from me not too long ago before you came.

Mew: he's here?! Where!?

Muffet: jeez you didn't have to scream.

he disappeared just when you casted this black room of yours.

Mew: Whaat?!

*they continued their girl talk*

Jin: hmm, ah finally, Hotland.

*the corrupted monsters looks at Jin*

looks like you guys have been waiting for me huh?

Then let's...





[somewhere at the corridor]




Lara: urgh, my head hurts. What happened?

Sans: hey you, you're finally awake. bruh

(always wanted to say dat bruhh)

Lara: Sans? why are you here?

where's the other guy?

Sans: oh yeah, he-

*after Sans telling Lara the situation*

Lara: he knocked me out, you say?!

Sans: yeah bruh,he talked about being concerned and all.

Lara: concerned..?

Sans: yeah, even wanted me to guard you n all, saying things like "must not let the ship get ruined" or whatevs bruh.

Lara: (that guy really is weird) Well, if monster kind and humanity is in danger, he can't possibly handle it alone..!

I'll go too!

Sans: can't, exit's blocked by his bones bruh.

Lara: seriously?!

*Lara attacks it with full strength but only manage to scratch it*

if I give up here, what kind of royal guard am I?

*Lara continues attacking the bones that blocks the exit*

Sans: sigh* fine, step aside bruh.

Lara: Sans?

*Sans summons three of his epic blaster and destroys the bones with his blast*

Sans: there ya go, say hi to Jin for me bruh.

Lara: Sans... thank you!

I'll be sure to help him!

[at Muffet after her talk with Mew Mew]




Muffet: I don't like this vibe. Not one bit.


| Jin's status: | * fighting off

| LV: 18 (27) | * the corrupted

| AT: N/A | * monster swarm.

| DF: N/A | *

| HP: 2,169 (N/A) |
