Corrupted Determination

drifting there endlessly, my body felt weightless, it felt as if i was floating in space, or maybe that's just an excuse for someone who always sleeps around the clock.

I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton, i don't know how i ended up here in this seemingly endless place where I can somehow just float around endlessly. I don't really hate it, but i do miss the people in the underground, i wonder how they are doing right now..


im gonna go take a nap again, maybe Papyrus will wake me up, and i can get out of this surreal dream.


no, i gotta wake up myself, dont wanna keep Paps waiting too long.


"Is he finally awake?"

"ah, there's our sleepyhead, good morning, how are you feeling?" Jin reaches out his right hand towards Sans, who was previously Insanity Sans due to the Determination that had corrupted him.

"Oh come on Jin, slow down! He's still confused." Serina pulls Jin back to give Sans some space.

"what..? where am.. is this our house..?" Sans said, while looking around in confusion.

(So for explanation if anyone is confused, Jin separated the Determination injection from Sans' soul to somewhere safe. So that explains how he's no longer a blood yearning machine now, and his eye pupil seems to be back to normal too, though it can't say the same thing with his mouth.)

Sans, sitting there on their green sofa, still confused about the situation he was in, scratched his skull.

"hey hey, whats all this abou-"

Just before he finishes his sentence, he noticed that bits of his skull are cracked when he tried to scratch his head.

"my..head, why is there holes on my head?" Sans asked as his pupil disappear.

"sooo is this what they call a crack head?" Jin jokes, raising both of his hands.

"You are one braindead creator" Serina said, making a quick comment on his creators remarks.

"haha, thanks." on which he replied.

"no, don't sweat it, kid. it's fine, I remember everything now."

Sans then continues on to tell us about his story, and about what happened. It seemed like it was going to be a long one, so Serina and Jin decided to sit next to him on the couch.

he told everything about how the experiment went, and how it made him lose his feelings in some emotions, everything went wrong when he found about the ability to RESET. He'd use them to kill everyone repeatedly, and how it made him feel "alive".

"well, i think that sums things up,i still feel a little bit hazy, so i think that's all i could remember." 

"well to me, looks like the doctor forgot to check if the drug was stable or not." said Jin.

"heh, i guess that's kinda true, in a way.", which Sans agrees to.

"So what are you going to do? now that you're back to normal." Serina asks Sans.

"to be honest, i don't know, it feels like there's no use living now that everyone i know is gone, thanks to my own hands."

Serina tried to comfort Sans, but Jin interrupts.

"well you have come to the right place! if you wish to disappear from this world, then you may come to me!" Jin says with pride.

"You know, interupting someone who's talking is one thing, but you can't just say something like that!" she whispered to Jin

"oh little Serenity, only if you knew." Jin thought to himself.

"don't worry don't worry, i'll make this painless, haven't you noticed that he'd probably also wants that?"Jin whispered back to Serina.

"Well.." Serina didn't know what to say.

"maybe that'd be the betterment for me, since i can't go back from what i have done anyways." Sans shrugs.

"alright then, ready yourself, bonehead." Jin says, as his hand emits some weird lines of codes.

"heh, ready as ever." Jin reached out his right hand towards Sans, he closed his eyes before Jin simply deleted his soul from existence, as it if had never existed before.

 "He's gone.." Serina said with a sad look on her face.

"yeah, he is, my guy died smiling, what a champ." But as for Jin, he was still the same.

"Still, isn't he supposed to be turning to dust by now?" Serina asks, which was weird because monsters would usually dust away after their soul disappears.

"oh yeah about that, it's probably because.."

Jin explained to Serina about how his body didn't dust away yet, his conclusions was about how the outer layer of the soul (which he calls the soul holder) didn't get deleted along with the Soul because the corrupted Determination made it stronger, thus leaving only the soul holder, and an empty husk.

"So that probably explains why this happens, even though it's just a theory you made, it does sound like it makes sense?" she said as she was still trying to comprehend what Jin had just told her.

"well now that we have gotten that out of the way, wanna try putting back the corrupted Determination into this empty body?"Jin said as he points towards the soulless body with his pinky finger.

"Don't you think that suggestion was a bit too bold?" Serina said, remembering the last fight.

"don't worry, I'll probably just use him as a lab rat so i can experiment some stuff on him." 

"Okay, I don't like you anymore." she distances herself from her creator.

"ok ig she sulky fr now" Jin said in his mind

"test subjects i mean! I'll just turn him into some type of training dummy?", Jin said while scratching at the back of his skull.

"Isn't that nearly the same as being a lab rat?"

"nuh uh."