Ridding Attentions

Savant, who has lost count on how many times he had repeated the whole process of killing and taking the human's determination souls, has gotten bored. So he decided to enjoy his time elsewhere in an Alternate Universe, but unfortunately for him, he had garnered attention from a certain protector.

After punching through reality to traverse through worlds, he has entered an alternate universe called Dusttale. Savant wished to continue his fun here and grow ever more powerful by taking the Human's determination soul that was fueled by genocidal intent. But before that, he had to get rid of some prying eyes. He then journeys through the snowy part of the underground which monsters dusts was scattered everywhere to the point that you could smell it.

Meanwhile somewhere near an empty Snowdin, behind a snowy bush.

3 Sanses can be heard talking with each other. The first one was wearing a white shirt with a long sleeve with an orange glove, they also seem to have a large black stripe that runs down on both of their eye sockets. The second Sans looked a tad bit shorter than the first one, having a splash of black ink on their right cheeck and a huge paint brush just about their size on their back. As for the third Sans, they were slightly taller than the first one, they wear a glass that says 'yolo' and wears a cap,backwards.

"So what were we doing here again?", the Sans with the orange gloves asked the Sans with the paintbrush.

"I've noticed a drastic change in the Undertale timelines, so I thought we should think of something before we do something about it."

"Uh-huh, so what's with the other guy?" 

Both of them looks at the Sans with the yolo glasses. "Wat, I can't join da fun?" The Sans with the glasses said.

"I don't think think he's going to be of any help", the Sans with the orange gloves states.

"Just ignore him! He'll leave soon anyways."

"Couldn't we have just done this at your place?"

"Well uhh, about that..", he scratches his skull "Let's talk about that later, we should find out who is causing this disruptance"

No one notices Savant's presence as he slowly approaches behind them. "Looking for me?"

Before the 3 of them could look behind them, he fires off a gaster blaster towards the ground which made the snows to cover up the air like smoke screens. 

The Sans with the glasses and giant paintbrush managed to get away, but as for the other one.

"What was that-" the Sans with the paintbrush thought.

"So if his memories serves right, this one was Delta... right, Ink?" Savant holds up the dismembered skull of oranged glove Sans that was dusting away, which was Delta Sans.

"Uh oh, I dun think I can manage with dis one, ur all on ur own Inky!" colorful smokes appears which somehow made him disappear.

"What a predicament, to think I'd meet you this early. I'm a big fan, you know?" Savant smiles slightly bigger than usual.

"So it was you who was causing all of this..", Ink, with a serious expression, takes his giant paintbrush. For some reason, he doesn't question why Savant looked like your ordinary Insanity Sans.

"First, it was the multiverse. Now I have to handle someone like you." Ink gets ready to attack.

"Now hold it there, buddy" Savant tosses Delta Sans' head to the ground, leaving it to dust away slowly. 

"Why don't we make a bet?