Causing Trouble in the Club (3)

Zhang Yiqing's tone didn't sound like the two of them were unfamiliar to each other. From other people's perspective, it looks like he didn't only know her, he was also waiting for her. 

Thus, Wen Tao, who was originally irritated at the sudden appearance of this beautiful lady that defeated every woman in the club by relying just on her face and gracefulness, couldn't accept it. 

He reached his hand and showed his intent to remove the hand on Zhang Yiqing's shoulder. Even though the latter hadn't formally agreed on becoming a boy toy, Wen Tao was still annoyed that someone else had touched his toy without his permission. 

"This older sister... May I know who you are and how you knew Zhang Yiqing?" Wen Tao asked the woman. 

The woman avoided the other's hand as though she was avoiding a fly from touching her. The way Wen Tao was questioning her was the same as how a detective would question a suspected criminal.