Zhang Yiqing's Story (3)

"That guy earlier... Wen Tao approached my group members one day. He told them he could give them something they wanted." Zhang Yiqing confessed. "They must have believed his words and came here."

Ran Xueyi remembered the young man from earlier. Gentle and young. He looked like a young brother who you would want to spoil. And if Ran Xueyi wasn't immune to his type, she certainly wouldn't think that Wen Tao was capable of selling people to older and perverted old men to sugar babies. 

The people who had fallen to this trick were countless. The people who also willingly jumped ships and rode on their sugar daddies and mommies' coat tails were even more. During the start of her career, Ran Xueyi was even approached by these sleazy old men who wanted to make her their playtoy. However, since she belonged to a wealthy family who owned a business empire, they soon gave up and never showed up in front of her again.