Their First Date (2)

The waitress finally noticed the female sitting at the same table as the handsome guy. She was surprised at first and was even feeling embarrassed, but in front of that gorgeous face, she couldn't stop herself from admiring him. 

At the same time, her mind started to work and realized what the female said. Originally, her face was filled with glee and admiration but now, it was turning white. Is she telling the truth? This man's shirt really cost a few tens of thousands?

The waitress' gaze dropped down on them and surely, they were dressed beautifully, looking like two models on their way to a photoshoot. Their clothes really did seem like it cost not only a few tens of thousands but probably even more! 

However, if they really are what they appear to be, why did they eat there? Why not go to the luxurious and posh restaurant next door?

Tsk, this woman should be lying to her.