A Big Mosquito Bite

When Ran Xueyi went downstairs after taking a quick shower, she saw her tall and well-built husband standing before the stove with a frying pan and a spatula in his right hand. Hearing her approach behind him, his lips curved up and told her without looking back to sit down. 

Ran Xueyi did as he was told and sat down in a chair and watched him cook their food. Five minutes later, Song Yu Han walked towards her with two plates in his hands and put it down on the table. 

"We don't have much food in the fridge so I only cooked the ingredients that are still fresh." 

Ran Xueyi stared at the steaming food in front of her and felt her mouth salivating. Forcing the urge to gulp down the whole thing inside her mouth, she asked, "What is this?"

"It's stir fried beef with broccoli and garlic buttered shrimp..."