Are You Going to Help Her?

Inside a resplendent and private club in Sea City, Imperial Capital. 

At this moment, Gu Jiao was ecstatic at the reactions of many passersby and fans commenting below the post. 

"Come on, keep commenting and spreading the news," she mumbled excitedly before she took a large gulp from the bottle of beer in her hand.

"Gu Jiao, what are you still sitting there for? Come, join us here!" A friend called her impatiently to come to the dance floor with their other friends. 

Gu Jiao swatted the hand of that friend and glared at her. "Go by yourself, Cindy. Can't you see I'm enjoying myself here?! What an annoying woman!"

Cindy Kang leaned forward to take a look at what Gu Jiao had been staring at the entire night.