Nine Weeks Pregnant

"Next time, don't give your autograph to anybody. Your current fame is rising and if you give your autograph to just anyone, your fans will feel betrayed," Zhao Fei told Ran Xueyi through the phone. "Don't worry, once you have already participated in other projects and your dramas and movies are released to the public, I will ask Manager Wu to arrange a fansign event."

Ran Xueyi listened to Zhao Fei's words before hanging up.

In order for her to relax her nerves and clear her doubts, Ran Xueyi ran to the hospital early that morning for a physical exam. She didn't use a pregnancy kit because she trusted the doctor's words more than a test kit. 

"Miss Ran, congratulations, you are already 9 weeks pregnant," the doctor delivered the good news with a smile. "The child growing inside you is very healthy. In the early stages of pregnancy, you can visit the hospital for a prenatal check up once a month. We will monitor both you and your child's condition."