Calm Before the Storm

Ran Xueyi was still thinking about what she should do with Cao Haoyue when she noticed that the two had gone silent like her. 

"Is there something wrong?" 

"Huh?" Lu Che answered first with a blank expression. 

Ran Xueyi said, "You two have been staring at me for a while now."

Though she was distracted by her thoughts, she could still feel and sense their gazes but didn't bother with it until she was done thinking. 

Lu Che coughed miserably and disguised his embarrassment with an action of taking a sip from his cup. However, Ran Xueyi's eyes still followed his movements and waited for him to finish. 

Without a choice, Lu Che could only say, "Hey, miss. Are you single?" 


The young and beautiful lady sitting across from them didn't even blink nor pause when she replied. It was as if there was no hesitation in her answer at all.